Total Recall: Three Tits and Hovercraft

Total Recall, 1990’s three-titted mutant sci-fi action adventure starring the world’s favourite Austrian, Arnold Schwarzenegger. It was a simpler time, Arnie was “just” an action star and not a former Governor with a secret “love-child”. The original still holds up. Shortly after the remake was announced, I rummaged through my DVD collection to once again bask in its glory -although the scene featuring the X-Ray scanners no longer feels as futuristic — damn you TSA!

Love it or hate it, a new Total Recall will be out in the fall of 2012.

Directed by Len Wiseman (Underworld, Die Hard 4), starring Colin Farrell, Kate Beckinsale, Jessica Biel and Bryan Cranston (Breaking Bad).

Collider has more on this story from an interview with Len Wiseman at Comicon.

  • They’re not going to Mars and it’s not going to be in 3D.
  • Says the movie has a different tone than the original and when I asked if his movie would use any of the classic one-liners, he said, “they have them in different forms.”
  • Regarding any Easter Eggs to connect it to original film, says the three-breasted woman will be in it and a few other surprises.
  • I asked about big action sequences and he says they have a few of them. One of them is a huge hovercraft action scene that will take 15 days to shoot. Says it’s being done practically with limited CGI.
  • The shoot is scheduled for 80 to 85 days. They started in May and it shoots until September.
  • Asked if they are doing anything the he would categorize as “pushing the boundaries?” He says he thinks they are. They filmed a fight sequence using a bunch of super slider rigs that are usually used for car chases and football games. The cameras goes 35 mph and they covered the fight sequence like a car chase.
  • Hard pg-13 rating, anything too graphic or violent that is shot will end up on the dvd release.

I am still very much on the fence for this movie, “hard” pg-13 rating isn’t exactly what I was hoping to hear. On the other hand, three tits - can’t have total recall without that. Limited CGI and no 3D, I like it! Cast is looking very solid. Bryan Cranston is doing great things on AMC’s Breaking Bad, can’t wait to see what he can bring to this movie.

Set Photos: BlogTo

What is your opinion — marking your calendar or staying away?

If I am not me, then who the hell am I?

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About Erik


  • Shadess

    On the other hand, three tits.

  • rp70

    I wish they could ditch Farrell and make Cranston the Doug Quaid/Hauser.

  • Bigsampson

    Read the book and it was so much better then the movie. I see them not doing it justice but you never know. They need to hit on the technology more and the Aliens.

  • Ram

    PG13=Bull Shit. So I take we will not be seeing the actual tri breasts….lame.

    • Marc


  • Thordan

    Did he say it was pg-13?

  • 420BAND

    Biel is not what’s worrying me it’s the lead actor..It’s hard for me to give a shit about that guy now-a-dayz.

    just sayin’

  • Brent L.

    Didn’t know Jessica Biel was in this… (not a good thing)! But Breaking Bads Bryan is!

    • Erik

      Cmon now Brent, Biel is quite nice to look at.