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August 20, 2011

Top 10 Movies I Want Sequels To

— Posted by Angela

There has been buzz lately about the upcoming sequels for Mission Impossible and Die Hard. Sequels are tricky: they can make or break a franchise. This is not a newsflash if you are a movie lover.

While the movies on this list stand on their own, it would have been great to see these stories developed even further, because too much of a good thing, is still a good thing. In my perfect, rose-colored glasses world, I feel that there are movies that woulda, coulda, shoulda had a sequel. These sequels must star the same people in order to capture that same magic that made us love the original. These are movies that perhaps left us wanting more; movies that had an unfinished story; movies whose stories were so great, we are dying to find out what happened to those characters. Or perhaps even movies whose endings left us wondering if that was really it, the end, kaput, nothing. I hate leaving a movie with burning questions or wanting more. I want to know there was a happily ever after.

These are classics and cheese-fests, but great movies either way. I know there are more than what I have come up with, so feel free to share!

#10 Grease-To clarify this, they did not make a sequel of this with the original cast. If you were a child of the 80′s, you know these songs were ringing in your head…a lot! I always wanted to know if Sandy and Danny got married had kids and lived happily ever after. We all knew that a hickey from Kenickie was like a Hallmark card, but did he and Rizzo end up together? Inquiring minds want to know.

#9 Gone With The Wind- I gave a damn! I wanted to see Rhett forgive Scarlett. I could not picture Clark Gable with anyone else (except maybe Carole Lombard). Sadly, like Atlanta our hopes for this went up in smoke.

#8 The Sound of Music- Sure, they crossed over the mountains to freedom, but then what? Did Maria and Captain Von Trapp have any children of their own? Yes they did, three. Did you know that the Von Trapp’s had been invited to sing at Hitler’s birthday party? Did you know they ran a music camp in Stowe,Vermont that is still running today? There was so much more to this story, it is a shame we have to google it.

#7 Air Force One- I have already said that I think Harrison Ford has stopped acting and is just a grumpy old guy in need of another cup of coffee. However, back in the day, after watching him portray the President of the United States, I was ready to vote for him regardless of his politics. I thought he did a good job in this movie and I really thought he showed more emotion than he shows in his current roles.

#6 Jerry McGuire- For some reason Hollywood wants to bring us to the brink of redemption and leave us wondering if it stuck. Did Jerry leave the seediness behind for good? Was greed to much of a temptation to fight? Did he have me at hello? Yes, but I wanted more from him before goodbye.

#5 Dirty Dancing- The chemistry and known tension between stars Patrick Swayze and Jennifer (miss her old nose) Grey, was palpable, you could cut it with a knife. This was one of those movies where the chemistry between the two stars is legendary much like Hanks/Ryan in You’ve Got Mail or Pitt/Jolie in Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Nobody puts Baby in a corner, but this movie was put on a shelf and it shouldn’t have been.

#4 Radio- Another true-story that left me wondering. All I had to do was travel an hour up the road to T.L. Hanna High to see Radio supporting his team to this day. Walking up and down the sidelines cheering and waving at the crowds, he even waved at me!! (Yes, it brought a tear to my eye) Coach and Radio do inspirational speeches. There bond is as strong today as ever. They showed a clip on the news last November of Radio working in a soup kitchen, sneaking a taste of mashed potatoes. There is so much more to this story.

#3 Top Gun- I actually paid to see this movie eight times in the theater. I bought a black skirt, seamed stockings, a men’s t-shirt and a blazer, with the sleeves pushed up so I could attempt to be Kelly McGillis in teacher mode. I rocked it! This movie had action, drama and a great love story. It’s a shame we couldn’t see what happened after the juke box played The Righteous Brothers, “You’ve Lost that Lovin’ Feelin’”. We didn’t get to see Kelly McGillis much after this movie aside from The Accused and a few others. I dare say she had an Oscar performance within her and the ball was dropped, whether by Hollywood or McGillis herself.

#2 Castaway- After watching Tom Hanks struggle to survive on the island for years…I wanted to hear more from him. What happened at that crossroads? Did he turn around like we all wanted him to? Which path did he choose? This movie more so than the others can stand alone without the sequel…but still!

#1 Antwone Fisher- Another true-story with more to tell. After sitting through the entire movie with that gut wrenching ache, and ending on that wonderful high of that huge meal prepared by his family, I wanted more. I paid the price, I cried, I ached, I hurt all over for the abuse this young man suffered. Now tell me how his life turned around. Tell me he finally found peace and happiness in his life. After all he went through; he deserved that happily ever after.


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I would honesty love a sequel to the original star wars trilogy. I know there has been a lot of star wars material out between prequels, TV shows, books...but I would love to see the Thrawn trilogy. Yet I know it will never happen.

I really want to see a sequel to inception!!

With the same characters YES! With a completely different cast and call it a remake NOOOOO!!

I always wanted to see a direct follow-up to Dawn of the Dead. Watching Peter and Fran fly off into the sunrise always left me wanting more. It would be nice to know what exactly happens to them.

Loved Dawn of the Dead!!! Excellent choice.

A Zombieland and Cloverfield sequel would be cool too.

I think they did make a sequel to Gone With The Wind, called Tara, sometime in the 80's or 90's. Granted it looked terrible and it falls in the same category as Grease's sequel sans the original cast.

1.) The Rocketeer 2.) Ghostbusters 3 3.) The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension 4.) The Incredibles 5.) Kung Fu Hustle 6.) Zombieland 8.) Enter the Dragon 9.) Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow 10.) Who Framed Roger Rabbit

one more i didn't list but would like to see is league of extraordinary gentlemen.

LEAGUE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENTLEMEN 2!!!! would be so awesome, sean connery's a beast xD

My first wish is for Ghostbusters 3. But as for movies intended as stand alone movies, the ones I think would make interesting sequels are: Fight Club Spaceballs (prequel to make fun of the prequels?) Se7en Pulp Fiction The Big Lebowski Snatch

Amen, brother. A sequel to Pulp Fiction that shows what happened to Jules as he walked the earth like Kwai Chang, getting into adventures. I would love to see Samuel L. Jackson as Jules Winfield again. Quentin, are you listening?

I would like to see a sequel to Some like it hot. See if Jerry really wound up marrying the rich guy.

How about district 9? I REALLY want a sequel from that movie. The director says it's unlikely though. :(

YESS!!!! :D especially how it ended with him being the prawn and the metal roses, thatd be so cool to see the alien come back and try to fix him!! :D
