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February 11, 2011

The Return of Schwarzenegger

— Posted by The "Superior" Anthony

Mindless Action fans rejoice as, arguably, the biggest star to ever grace the silver screen in the genre has announced via Twitter that he is ready to take back his throne:

Source: AICN

Schwarzenegger Gov. Schwarzenegger

Exciting news. My friends at CAA have been asking me for 7 years when they can take offers seriously. Gave them the green light today.

Now that it seems that he is finally exiting the political arena we can begin some serious speculation about his anticipated return to acting. Now let me make something clear: I don’t think the guy is a great actor. AT ALL. I think he’s been highly entertaining and strongest when he “stays in his lane” and gives us some gun play and is surrounded by some Michael Bay level explosions. I enjoyed “End of Days” and “Terminator 2” as much as the next guy and really want him to return to his blend of action and comedy… Meaning I am still more than ready for a True Lies 2.

International friends, are we ready to welcome Arnold’s return? Do you think he should return to any franchise? Is Sly listening and already sending some txt messages saying “Yo, Expendables 2“?

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  • Los Americanos


    We want “Hercules in new york 2”

  • AB

    Expendables 2 anybody :)

  • Indiana Jones’ Brother

    Finally! He shouldn’t even have bothered with politics. Obviously he isn’t a master thespian or anything, but damn cinema needs Arnie. He’s just an entertaining as hell actor.

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