The Justin Bieber Film… For Guys (Slightly NSFW)

I’m fairly confident most males dislike Justin Bieber. His music is… pretty awfull. By alienating the male audience, Paramount are missing out on ticket sales.
Well, what if they made a seperate Never Say Never, aimed at males? SecretSauceTV have answered that question. Slightly NSFW, but if youtube think its okay, then so do I. Check it out.

Please Paramount… Please make this.

About Ian Fay

You've got red on you...

  • Tycent

    It’s like TWILIGHT for mens

    • Rodney

      Its made by the same people.

  • Rodney

    Actually, most of his music is pretty good, its just that its being sung by such a young boy so they sound “cute”

    If a more mature and respected sex symbol sang the same songs, honestly they would still be hits.

    • Ian Fay

      Thats a matter of oppinion, Rodney, and to be honest, your the first person in a while to listen to his music and say its good.
      I heard his songs on the radio before I knew who it was, and still hated it.

      AND THIS ISNT THE POINT RODNEY! Theres a hot woman up there, stop arguing about a teenage boy! lol

      • Rodney

        Honestly, if Britney Spears or Christina sang Baby Baby Baby (oh..) it would be a super star hit. Same as if JayZ did it. Suddenly its not cute, but sexy. Its all a matter of the packaging.

        Yes, he appeals to a younger crowd and the girls think he is dreamy (which I assume is where most of the hate comes from - jealousy) but he is pretty standard pop music. And in most pop music the only thing that divides devotion from hate is the person’s popularity.

      • cloud720

        I see yoru point but Jayz could not sing Baby Baby Baby (oh..)