The Guv’nor Bio Pic

“The hardest man in Britain”, Lenny Mclean seen by movie fans in Guy Ritchie’s Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, where he portrayed Barry The Baptist, Hatchet Harry’s right-hand man. Months after filming had completed, Mclean passed away from lung cancer, and the movie was dedicated to his memory.

THR reports:

Paul Van Carter is writing the screenplay alongside Martin Askew, Lenny’s nephew, for the project.

Backers said the script aims to offer “an uncompromising account of his violent and notorious life from his humble beginnings in Hoxton, East London to boxer, bouncer, bare-knuckle fighter, actor, accused murderer and family man.”

Revolver’s Justin Marciano and Nick Taussig will produce the film with Lenny McLean’s son Jamie McLean.

The budget is set to be around $5 million subject to casting.

Several names are on the producers’ wish list to play the East End hard man with Jason Statham, Gerard Butler and Michael Fassbender leading the field of established talent.

Mclean’s life story is wild to say the least, you don’t get to be called the hardest man in Britain for nothing. I for one cant wait to see this story told on the big screen.

As for the wish list held by the producers, any thoughts? They all strike me as fitting choices — but who might better fit the role?

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About Erik


  • mike enzo jefferson

    lennys life was interesting and he was both intimidating and friendly to a roomful of people i met lenny briefly in the late 90s when i was working in nort london like he said, helooked like what he was …… i hope they portray the movie corectly as im sure they will do but not really sure of names listed to portray Lenny i think lennys own choice of craig fairbrass was a good choice and also i know hes not a big enough name adam fogerty (gorgeous george from snatch )

    mike Enzo jefferson

  • mike

    It was Brain Cancer he died of

  • B.Cull

    Erik, I have something I wanted to email you, what is your working email address? The one I tried listed under contact didnt work.