Teaser Trailer: Men in Black III

Today we have the first teaser trailer to Men in Black 3, which doesn’t hit theaters until May 25, 2012. At that point it’ll have been a decade since the first sequel and roughly fifteen years since the original came out. Within that span of time simply put, well – a lot has happened.

I’m not going to be overly critical of the teaser, I see the same old goofy nostalgia and seemingly it’s like watching business as usual. The teaser is set up with purposeful jokes that had me laughing a bit, smiling, showing a bit of the premise and it was enough for me. I’ll be there in the theatre for it. While you can see framing set up for 3D, I think the one curious take away was despite how long it’s been since the first two films. The visual design is only minutely touched. It’s a curious decision, where although Men in Black has always dealt with ‘futuristic’ sensibilities. I get a feeling of the movie having an almost retro appeal in reference to its own timeline and films.

If I have one hope, it’s that the run time will be at or slightly over 100 minutes. The first sequel I always felt was too short comparably to the original. I can definitely, absolutely do without the Will Smith partial soundtrack. With everyone in the audience wearing 3D glasses, I wonder if there will be some type of neuralyzer gag as well, but that’s just a random thought.
Give the teaser a watch! Post your comments below.

  • lotto

    Cool. They also just released a G.I. Joe 2 Trailer. Looks pretty awesome

  • http://www.filmrehab.com Shane

    Yeah, Josh Brolin as a younger Tommy Lee Jones… That’s spot on! The rest of the trailer looks like same old same, but that’s not a bad thing.

  • Kimball

    Josh Brolin has Tommy Lee Jones nailed. It was freaky!

  • giantguy1321

    The first Men in Black movie is still one of my fovourite movies of all time. The second, err…..not so much. However I do like the overall feel of this trailer.

    The fisrt movie was quite dark and quirky, but I feel the second movie lost that and became very bright/overly comical. This appears to me to have a little mixture of the two and I’m fine with that.

    That scene with Josh Brolin is just perfect in both casting and acting. I find myself looking forward to this one more than I did the first sequal.