Teaser Poster for ‘The Thing’ Arrives

…and another movie teaser poster for the int’l friends viewing expierience. This one is the “prequel” to The Thing.

Hollywood.com shares:

The movie was supposed to hit back in March, but was suddenly removed from the release calendar, seemingly without a home. Now, the first poster has hit and indicates that, yes, the movie is hitting theaters this October! Check out the first one sheet, which gives you an idea of what the “Thing” will be doing to his human victims come Halloween

If audiences today remember absolutely zero about the original artwork that is iconic with John Carpenter’s remake of the Howard Hawks film (when ‘remake’ was not a dirty, vile word) then this is really impressive. Since most folks do know of it, then the teaser poster is rather blah. It’s not bad-bad. Kind of think it looks like the cardboard sleeve of a DVD or Blu-Ray cover. Some folks like it though. It also isn’t the final one-sheet. I’ll give it that. (and why do I get this knawing feeling that it’s going to be a floating heads type poster- maybe it’s my confiedence level, I ‘spose)

Anyway, here it is:

It could have been worse. Y’know what-? Universal guys, if you’re reading, keep it close to this and you’ll be fine.

P.S. Some of you should be doing cartwheels, considering that little object in the corner- the one that says “R”…

Chime in, Int’l friends.

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About Darren

"Revenge is sweet and not fattening." Alfred Hitchcock

  • Art

    Loved the original and actually looking forward to this prequel. I’m curious to see what technology will due to enhance the story.

  • Iam Wright

    “A movie about an alien that has ‘R’ rated graphic violence with no big name star, director, or producer attached? Sure we will green light it.”

    “A movie about aliens that has ‘R’ rated graphic violence with Tom Cruise attached to star, directed by Academy Award winner Guillermo Del Toro, and produced by James Cameron who has also won Academy Awards and has the two highest grossing films of all time? Tone down the violence to PG-13 and we will think about it.”

    Wait, what?

    • http://darrenjameseeley.wordpress.com/ Darren

      Play fair, John Carpenter’s 1982 film didn’t have any big names in it either, an its R rating was on the mark. (although a case could be made for Kurt Russell)- the intent with the new film was to serve as a prequel to that film - which I wasn’t that sold on to begin with because of this generation’s audacity to “explain” backstories and mysteries which don’t really need to be explored. That said, it could re-introduce audiences to The Thing and might have some effective moments.

      • Iam Wright

        I was referring to the prequel than the ’82 version. I love the John Carpenter film. I was just poking at Universal to allow the prequel to be made but turn down ‘At the Mountains of Madness’ which actually might not be as graphic as The Thing(going by the original story on that assumption) and it had all the above mentioned ‘A’ list people attached to it.

        • http://darrenjameseeley.wordpress.com/ Darren

          Rejecting ‘Madness’ was simply due to the budget concern; nothing more.