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February 8, 2011

Superman done Disney style

— Posted by The "Superior" Anthony

There’s a really popular animated short making its way around the internet today, that I wanted to share, of Superman animated in the classic Disney style of animation. io9 tells us that Rob Pratt has worked on animation classics such as Pocahontas and Fantasia 2000 and recently released this video to YouTube based on his appreciation for DC’s iconic character.

Via io9.

Its definitely short, but gives a pretty interesting idea of how Superman would fit in the Disney Universe: somewhere next to ‘the Incredibles’. I doubt seriously doubt we’ll see anything ever develop as far as a relationship between Disney and DC considering they’re the competition but it is fun to imagine.

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  • Rick

    It looks like Ren and Stimpy animation to me … Kind a parody of retro styling if that makes sense. That said, it’s very very cool.

  • vargas

    It looks very much like a Disney animated feature from the 1960’s or 1970’s to me. Like 101 Dalmations, Robin Hood or The Aristacats.

  • Anthony

    I disagree. The facial expressions and mannerisms seem very 90’s Disney to me, especially if you consider the “blocky” style used in the Atlantis movies. It all seems very familiar to me.

    this isn’t a perfect example, or even from Atlantis, but I threw together a small comparison using Aladdin and keep in mind that the Superman clip is pretty raw and missing a lot of the post processing techniques that’s used in animation.

  • nicoe81

    Agree with Rodney. There’s a mix in there. There’s definitly some “brad bird” in there too. It reminds me of the iron giant. But Bird is not disney… he’s Bird

  • Terry Letourneau

    I see more of a Max Fleischer influence.

  • Rodney

    There is certainly some classic expression and posturing used in Disney’s older titles but nothing that is exclusively Disney about it.

    Still pretty cool.

  • isaiah

    it resembles Power Puff Girls animation to me more than Walt Disney

  • Ian Fay

    Hmm, i dunno bud, as an animation student, I wouldn’t really call that Disney style.. The characters are too sharp for one. Hard to describe.

    Its just a short animation with a unique style, thats all.

    • Anthony

      You were an animation student too? I graduated way back in 2001! I think the art reminds me of Pixar’s art style. IMO it almost seems like something I’d seen in ‘the Incredibles’.

      • Ian Fay

        I AM an animation student, currently studying. I’ve spent the last few months watching as many Disney classics as possible (and other animations too) and I just don’t see it in this. Hard to put into words, but it looks more like something a Student could do, yano?

        Cool video all the same, one of my buddies emailed it to me the other night, thought it was decent enough. Way too short though.

    • LordThyBob

      I agree, I see nothing “Disney” in this short.

      • V

        Disagree, the way the characters move is very disney 90’s animation Tarzan, Herc, Pocahontas. The mouths are probably the most telling part. The disagreement obviously shows it is not perfect (I agree the features are too sharp and not broad enough), but I am sure this guy knows disney enough to get the style close. Plus it is really raw still, needs alot of post production.

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