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January 4, 2011

Stan Lee gets a Star On Hollywood’s Walk of Fame

— Posted by Rodney

Stan “The Man” Lee didn’t invent the superhero, but he has contributed more to comic books and pop culture than any other figure in the industry. And now due to his contributions and the crossover of Comics to Film, Stan Lee will be recieving his American version of a Knighthood - A Star on Hollywood’s Walk of Fame!

WorstPreviews quotes Stan Lee’s reaction to the honour:

“I’m pretty proud of the fact that some of the stories I wrote so many years ago are still being read and hopefully enjoyed by the public and people are making motion pictures based on them, and television series and even a Broadway show,” Lee said.

And Lee is hardly resting on his laurels as he is working with the NHL to create a superhero league based entirely on the concepts of each team’s namesake. Already revealed are The Penguin, The King and The Hurricane. The rest will be showcased during the NHL All Star Game.

Stan Lee is honestly the most geniune man of respect I could ever imagine. With so much pop culture developed on the shoulders of his works, I wonder why he wasn’t given this honour earlier.

I have recently been re-reading the X-Men comics from the very beginnings and its amazing to see his work even in those days. Lee had an eye for imagination and it carries on in his Legacy.

Excelsior! Mr. Lee.

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  • 420BAND

    Excelsior! indeed, bout time I say

  • joe C

    he is one of the few famusly known people i would really like to meet and talk to

  • Anti-Septic

    Well deserved, he is the true face of all things related to comics. Without his drive and personality I do not think we would be viewing so many movies related to this genre’ right now.

  • bernardg

    He really deserves it :)
    Stan the Man, you’re a living legend.

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