Spielberg’s ‘Lincoln’ has a nice cast

You know I’ve been aware that Steven Spielberg has been working on a movie about Abraham Lincoln for a while but really haven’t looked into finding details about it. Why? because it’s Steven Spielberg and he’s at his best with films that aren’t 10yr late sequels. I have faith in the guy with that kinda stuff. I did happen to stumble upon some details regarding the cast he’s gathered for this period piece and I have to say that I’m really impressed.

Source: AICN

Proving that he’s becoming THE actor of his generation, Joseph Gordon-Levitt is apparently going to play Lincoln (Daniel Day-Lewis)’s son Robert Todd Lincoln. Gordon-Levitt and Day-Lewis are a perfect match, and not just because they have hyphens in their names. Can’t wait to see them work together.

Also joining the cast is Tommy Lee Jones, playing Thaddeus Stevens, and Hal Holbrook, James Spader, John Hawks (awesome!), Tim Blake Nelson, Bruce McGill and Joseph Cross.

See what I mean? the JGL and Daniel Day-Lewis? BOTH?! and then add on Tommy Jones and Bruce McGill and you’ve got a strong combination of some high level talent to help visualize one of the most famous presidents in American history. Awesome. The script is also done by award winner Tony Kushner so I really have some lofty expectations from this movie but, frankly, still highly doubt that I’ll be disappointed.

It’s been a while since I’ve seen a good Spielberg movie and I’m really looking forward to seeing the guy return to form with this one. Any other Spielberg friends out there sharing this enthusiasm?

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About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor

  • Pman-67

    Isn’t Sally Field set to play Mary Todd Lincoln?

  • 420BAND

    Munich was the shit!
    S. List was the shit!

    Saving Private Ryan as well.

    Easy to trust Spielberg with this stuff.
    I see his name everywhere this summer too (producing)

    Super 8 seems pretty good too (not directing) and has his stamp all over that movie

  • Ryan

    If Spielberg can’t get this thing right, it’s time he hang it up. This has epic hit written all over it.

  • vargas

    Unlike certain academy award winning films this sounds like it really will deserve one. That cast is amazing!!

  • joe C

    Im really excited to see where this goes

  • Federico

    This has Academy Awards written all over it.