Some Lighthearted Japanese Spiderman

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Haven’t had your fill of Spidey for the day, but don’t want to see more pictures of the set? Well, this is the post for you. The Spiderman fans here will probably have seen clips of the wonderous Japanese Spiderman show from the 70’s, but it’s unlikely you’ve seen this 9 minute collection of madness.
Seems the eastern webslinger loved to shout his name and do the vogue.
Seriously though, his little theme that plays after every pose? I want that for me, in real life, every time i say my own name.

So guys…. Raimi Spiderman or Japanese Spiderman??
You might want to check out his theme tune too:

With great power, comes great responsibility… and giant robots.

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About Ian Fay

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  • Akshay Sharma

    Great article n funny codes

  • Akshay Sharma

    Hahaha it is crazy :p, but i like Japanese spiderman its really great. split ac price List

  • Komal verma

    Awesome spiderman is my favorite hero. HostGator promo codes

  • Michael

    I have the entire series and every episode is the same madness and random events. Problem is that if you have seen one you have seen them all. New monster every time but it gets killed by Leopardon (Spiderman’s Robot) in one or 2 hits. But it is so hilarious you keep watching it :p

  • Kimball

    It was like a car wreck-I couldn’t stop watching those clips. “Okay, just one more…and then one more.” Stop the insanity!

  • Terry Letourneau

    I can see Quentin Tarantino making that lol. SPIDER!!!

  • Geno

    Naw, did he just summon up a mech? Thats too wicked for Parkah-sama! I feel like this is some joke but part of me tells me is that it is true. Truly great.

  • Azizan

    when the rebooted movie comes out, we must all be grateful it’s not as AWESOME as this Spiderman here!

  • Dave in accounting

    was that ms. piggy at 3:48?!!?

  • Brent L.

    HAHAHA, it looks like the power rangers.