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March 7, 2011

Shane Black chats up IM3

— Posted by The "Superior" Anthony

There’s few better ways to start a Monday morning than finding out that a popular director spent the weekend discussing the plan for an upcoming movie you want to see. AICN has the scoop as Shane Black apparently attended the Omaha Film Festival and was inevitably quizzed on Iron Man 3.

Source: AICN

The studio was not happy with the direction Iron Man 2 took. Iron Man 3 will not be another “two men in iron suits fighting each other” film. Instead, it will be more like a Tom Clancy-thriller, with Iron Man fighting real world villains.

And if that wasn’t a punch in the gut for fans who actually enjoyed Iron Man 2, then came another left hook when he followed with:

Iron Man 3 will be made after The Avengers and will not feature any other heroes from the Marvel Universe. Marvel is only doing crossover characters to lead up to The Avengers, and once that film is released, the plan is to go back to self-containted single-character stories.

Whoa, no more crossovers? I honestly believe that was one of the biggest attractions to exploit with fans of the comics that chomped at the bits and Google’d as fast as possible to find out who would cameo in each film. I’m sorry to hear that we may not see any future cross promotion in the films, but I am happy to see that they have more ideas for Tony Stark other than what we’ve seen with the villains primarily just stealing his technology.

One tidbit that is begged to be answered is who will be this “real world” villain? The obvious choice would be to close out the over arching story of the Ten rings terrorist group that’s been in the background of all the films thus far and finally deliver the Mandarin.

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  • 420BAND

    IDK if an Iron Man 3 is top priority for me at this point, Loved the first, The 2nd had its charms, but fell a little short on fun.

  • Dirk S.

    Glad to hear it: Iron Man 2 paled in comparison to the first: it felt too much like an Avengers prologue, and the action was fairly boring, the studio criticism is dead on, him fighting other armored suits just isn’t entertaining.

    The idea of “real world villains” sounds fairly interesting.

  • darren j seeley

    First of all, there’s no reason to get in a tizzy over it. I, for one say YES. While it is likely Nick Fury might crop up, (or some SHIELD connection) if there was a ‘War Machine’ spinoff that could expain Rodney Rhodes not showing up- but I would still expect something…

    That said, that would be as far as I’d go too. While I didn’t mind the Tron Man-War Machine smackdowns, it was more of a teaser for Avengers. This is post Avengers, no need to really plug it much. There could be easter eggs and suttle touches here and there-maybe even a stinger. The scripy isn’t written yet, I’m sure Marvel’s going to want to name drop someone.

    With Thor having Loki, and Cap thawing out, Hulk smashing up stuff (and The Leader still around somewhere) I supose it might be fine to some folks that Mandatian has his mystical rings and it’s a downer “they won’t use him” One question, Anthony. Says who?

    All Black saud was that Tron Man would fight ‘real world’ villians. Thay does noot rule out a re-imagined Mandarin who would be the secret head of the ten rings. If we even wanted to get specific, wasn’t Obigah Stane and Justin Hammer “real world’ to a extent? So why the alarm bells?

    It might even be a loose retelling of Armor Wars for all we know. I ttrust Black on thiis- and there’s still time to work out the bumps.

  • MadMax_007

    Real world villians sounds like a bore for iron man to take on. Powerful suited-up villians are appealing to me in the Iron Man movies cuz they are a challenge for this hero to defeat them. If Black does include the Mandarin, he is gonna probably make him realistic without any powers. I don’t want another “Superman taking on Lex” type of superhero flick. Real world villians? I say save that shit for daredevil, punisher, antman and even Cap. This is Iron Man goddam it!

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