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February 23, 2011

Rumor: Justin Timberlake as Larry

— Posted by The "Superior" Anthony

How would you like to see Justin Timberlake as Larry? How about Will Sasso as Curly? Cinemablend is reporting a few interesting rumors for casting with these names being tossed in the proverbial hat among others.
Source: Cinemablend via The Boston Herald
The Boston Herald says Timberlake’s name is just one of those being considered by Peter and Bobby Farrelly for their renewed attempt at a Three Stooges movie. Other contenders for the Larry role are said to include Woody Harrelson and Larry David, of all people. Johnny Knoxville and Hank Azaria are supposed to be up for Moe, and Will Sasso is competing with a host of unknowns for the part of Curly.

I hate when movies that have my interest are around this stage of production where names of cast and crew are thrown around as if they’re apples in a lunchroom food fight. Can Justin Timberlake really be considered for this role? I haven’t seen enough of performances to be a good judge. Some of the other casting ideas are interesting. I think Woody Harrelson is an interesting person to consider, but he has this thing about not doing sequels that probably could eliminate him from the runnings as something that might backfire. They plan to start shooting in April and stress that they’ll have a cast ready within “three weeks” so there’s definitely more to come…soon.

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  • DAVE

    This movie does not need to be made.

    • Rodney

      You can decide your own anticipation, but please dont suggest that ANY movie does not need to be made.

      You don’t get to decide that.

  • 420BAND

    Well I’ll play along.

    Justin actually is kinda likable as an actor.

    Right Boo Boo?
    The first dream team was better, I gave up on this already, I’ll watch the shorts again for a gazillionth time instead

  • Steven

    I feel like this movie has been (potentially) in production for years. They should just stop, nobody wants to see a Three Stooges movie anyways.

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