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May 11, 2011

RUMOR: Ant-Man and Wasp in Avengers

— Posted by The "Superior" Anthony

In Whedon we trust! No? Well, the guy may have a few tricks up his sleeve with his upcoming Avengers movie, especially if the title rumor holds true with some surprise character inclusions to join the already stellar, and packed, announced Avengers lineup.

Source: Worstpreviews and Les Toiles Héroïques

- An error / a Freudian slip? Stephen Broussard co-producer discusses the meeting of superheroes in 2012 as follows: Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Ant-Man and the Wasp in the Avengers movie. [Until now, the presence of Hank Pym and his wife has always been rejected.]

This is a rumor that’s been so persistent that I would feel disappointed if these Avengers aren’t included in the lineup. I can’t figure out why these characters would be shrouded in secrecy if they are appearing in the movie. Stephen Broussard is a co-producer on the Captain America movie so if this quote is actually from him then it could be possible that these characters will be involved in the movie. I have a hard time believing random foreign websites that I’ve never visited before in order to read some exclusive news regarding one of this summers’ biggest movies. Just don’t sit well, so take this with a few grains of salt and lets start knocking on wood.

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  • Darren

    I don’t think they will be seen. Mentioned maybe, but not seen. It is possible that (Edgar) Wright could get the long delayed Ant-Man film cast before the Avengers film ends its shoot and/or something for post.
    (Note: if Wright’s film is still in the plan, then it won’t be the Pym character, but Scott Lang. “Pym” would simply be Pym, using the particles to throw giant thumbtacks and shrink bombs etc)

  • Browntastic

    Way to steal my line “In Nolan/Whedon We Trust”…haha. I agree though I don’t know why these characters would be such a secret. This is movie is going to be a challenge though…hugh cast, all lead roles. I hope Whedon can pull it off.

  • Roman

    Having Hank being the main scientist that studies the cosmic cube makes sooooo much sense in my opinion (Fillion). How you include wasp is still in the air, I would go with her just being his wife Jan and not actually the Wasp. Hank should only be a scientist and not antman in my opinion. They should grow the super heroes antman and wasp seperately. Hank and Jan should be scientists for shield.

  • 420BAND

    As long as they dont give the Wasp to Longoria(cute but cant act her way out of a paper bag), It’ll be nice to have them in there. Ant-man/Giant Man has been a core member from the start.

    Bring it on!

  • Brian

    Since Hank Pym was mentioned in a sideways way in Thor, i can see it happening, especially if Stellan Skarsgaard’s character is one of the eventual bad guys.

    The line where he references his involvement with shield in the past in gamma ray experiments was supposed to drop Hank Pym’s name, but from what ive read, they decided against it since there was a lot of marvel name dropping already in thor.

    • Rodney

      I assumed the “expert in gamma radiation” was Bruce Banner.

      Just sayin.

      • 420BAND

        Thats how I took it.
        (disapperance meaning on the lam)

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