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January 31, 2011

Rumor: Robin Williams could be Nolans’ Hugo Strange

— Posted by The "Superior" Anthony

Casting rumors don’t seem to be slowing down at all around Christopher Nolan’s 3rd Batman film! Cinemablend posted an interesting rumor that Robin Williams may have a part in the upcoming Dark Knight Rises film as another possible villain to concern our caped crusader.

Cinemablend via Batman On Film

This evening the web has been aflutter with rumors that Robin Williams will play Dr. Hugo Strange. It all seems to stem from a tweet by Batman On Film, but as Caped Crusader sources go, they’re among the most trustworthy.

Nolan has a thing for putting 3 villains in these Batman films and I really didn’t expect him to buck the trend with this one. So far we have our Selina Kyle and Bane in place and now the idea of Robin Williams portraying Dr. Strange rounds everything out. I have no problem with the idea of Robin Williams playing this role because, bottom line, I think he’s a fantastic dramatic actor. This guy has nailed roles where he plays some disturbed, often psychotic, doctor or photo developer and I think he could actually fit in rather well with the rest of the cast adding some more appreciable talent to make a great film.

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  • zerth

    Personally, I think Mr. Williams would portray very nicely the “Clock King” from Batman TAS. Interesting villain btw.

  • me

    but we all know joseph gordon levitt is gonna be Terry McGinnis now theres a rumor for you and that one is true

    • chris…

      ok THAT is a rumor i can get behind…damn that would be after credits sneak with an older bruce and terry

  • me

    not a good actor he could awesomely pull off an old crippled poppeye lookin insane hugo strange creepy and grungy or throw you all for a loop and nolan will have him as the joker just strangely aged in arkham driving a blake lively Harlee Quinn into obsession

  • pawel

    it wasn’t Williams a year ago complainig that he wants to act in the next Nolan movie as the riddler?

    This rumor can be true, because if my memory isn’t bad he wanted to be in a Nolan Batman movie, and act as Dr. Hugo Strange is a great chance to him.

    My worry about this movie is that the 3 villians knows the identity of Batman and they are not crazy like the classic batman characters (maybe Dr. Hugo but he isn’t a main character).

  • michael

    To be honest I wouldn’t be surprised if all of these announcements or rumours were completely false. I think the studio is just trying to create hype for the movie and….its working! One of Nolan’s main desire is bring new characters to the screen. We’ve already seen catwoman (twice) and bane. Unless any of the actors announce that they are playing a particular character in the new batman movie I will be highly skeptical!

    In a pure guess I don’t think gangsters will play as big a role as they have in the previous two movies. I think Batman Begins and the Dark Knight show a natural trend in the extinction of traditional mob gangs.

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