Return of the Robo Reboot

It’s been in the making for longer than I can remember but it’s now finally time to prepare to welcome the return of the ‘Robocop’. Deadline Hollywood is reporting that MGM films are wrapping up negotiations to secure a director to helm the reboot of this positively 80’s classic.

Deadline Hollywood

MGM is negotiating with Brazilian director Jose Padilha to direct Robocop, the remake of the futuristic 1987 film originally helmed by Paul Verhoeven. The original was about a cop who was near death and was drafted to become a powerful cyborg cop, until suppressed memories of his past life come back to haunt him. Peter Weller played the character in the original him in the original and the 1990 sequel.

This is another franchise that I was able to even enjoy further with the animated cartoon that may detest some, but delighted me in me my adolescence so I have a nostalgic fondness for the character and franchise. I welcome the idea of returning to Robocop but I have to admit that the appeal of the character may be lost in today’s society unless proper planning is in place.

This could be a great opportunity to return the franchise, and the city it’s based in, into the spotlight and kick start a whole new series of films… or this could finally close the metal coffin for good and bring finality to the story of Alexander James Murphy.

About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor

  • Gary

    For F#CK’s sake, DON’T DO IT! Everything was right, and nothing was wrong with the original. Hollywood needs to stop remaking every film that ever was. Will a Robocop reboot be huge at the box office? Yes. Will the reboot be any good? Definitely not. (if it ain’t broke…)

    • Rodney

      How can you know “definitely” that the movie is going to be “any good”?

      Have you already seen this reboot they are proposing to make?

      This film has the same chance as ANY film to be good or bad. Nolan re-made Batman. Its a good thing you were not his career councilor.

  • Lawrence

    Robocop starring Peter Weller is still the best cop film I’ve seen. Wonder if they’ll just simply make a sequel that will truly honor the original film and not reboot it.

  • chris

    to also respond a delta city in my belief would be more “relatbable” in todays age, vs. the 80s when this film was created. To be honest, the closest i can think to a modern “hero” fighting crime like robocop, would be iron man in the middle east (our greatest war, that isn’t a war {i am canadian and believe that our current conflict is not a war, but understand americans believe different}) and that robocop would not be as relateable today (though with high inflation and unemployment that robocop but could a major influence, it would not have the same effect).

  • chris

    I agree with the overstatement. Robocop is a film that with the vision of Paul Verehoven (probably wrong spelling) is very difficult to re-imagine. When it comes to films by that man in my opinion is nearly impossible to re-imagine. When this film was created it was a “future” flim. A movie that created a cyborg to fight crime that had never been seen. Since the 80’s though, things have dramatically changed. Robocop in a sense of “problem” is more believable than the original. Verehoven magic will be forgetten. I don;t know the director or the general plot right now, but the idea of greating a prequel, sequel or re-imaging of a film of this magnitude is difficult to see. Robocop is a, in my opionion, a tilmeless classic that is difficult to repeat. I mean even look at the sequels. 2 and 3 were a disaster. The graphic violence of the original put into the sequel was benevolent. It made no impact. In the original in made an impact, like total recall created a sci-fi reality like no one could predict. I’ve studied paul in quite a few film classes and for a director that is hated and loved (love by me for starship and robocop for sure) remarking or re-imaginging a film like this, I just dont think it will sum up. I’m even trying to think of directors that could bring across the same idea path and thinking that the original thought, i can’t come up with it. There is a reason that 2 and 3 didnt and why I think the new film, if made, will not even come close to comparison. Some films just should not be remade (we know a lot of them) and this is one that should not be touched in this modern age (McG and his Terminator film ring a bell for example?).

    • TheSwede

      I’ll second that! Well spoken sir.

      • 420BAND

        true, true

    • giantguy1321

      Very well said Sir!!! I totally agree!!!!

  • Darren

    Who’s directing this again? Never heard of him. When Robo 87 was made, I heard of Verhoven. I was a big, big fan of Flesh + Blood.

    Anyway, I’d be more interested in a RoboCop 4 than a reboot-remake. RoboCop’s a cyborg. He can be taken off-line and wakes up in a currupt Delta City.

  • matty

    Original Robocop = possibly one of the best films ever. Violent. Funny. Smart. Awesome.

    The remakers have their work cut out for them.

    • Rodney

      Robocop is good for what its worth, and I wont take anything away from it.

      But “possibly one of the best films ever” might be overstating it.

      • giantguy1321

        I’d say Robocop is one of the best and most iconic Sci-fi movies ever made!!!

  • cloud720

    I see Peter Weller and for the first time I realize that Liddy also played Robocop.

  • giantguy1321

    I have two words to describe how I feel about Hollywood remaking this sci-fi classic. “REALLY PISSED”!!!!

    • Jordan


      • giantguy1321

        Because most remakes are utter crapfests. I’m getting tired of newcomer directors and non-fans taking a dump all over my memory of a much loved movie experience. Everyone takes something different away from a movie when they see it for the first time. However the directors of some remakes seem to have not been paying attention.

        First off if they loved the movie there is no way they would even consider remaking it (IMHO).
        Lets just check the shit remake list shall we (This is my opinion and if you feel differently….then good for you): The Fog, Friday the 13th, Halloween, Day of the dead, Night of the living dead 3D, The Thing (Looks like another dud to me) and the list goes on (As you can probably tell I’m a Horror fan). So why these you ask….well I’ll tell you.

        The Fog (Showed us too much and teen friendly cast)
        Friday the 13th (To much sex, not enough slash)
        Halloween (See above)
        Day of the dead (No bunker setting, no Bub and teen friendly cast)
        Night of the living dead 3D (Wow…..what can I say!!!)
        The Thing (Takes us out of the arctic and into the city)

        Good remakes:
        Dawn of the dead (Great make-up, well casted and they left in the mall)
        Night of the living dead (1990) (Director worked with original director and changed very little)
        The Blob (Made the monster much scarier and less laughable)

        There are many more. However I think you can agree, much more crap than gold. As long as we pay to see them they’ll keep churning them out.

        Because when it comes down to it if they ain’t got any ideas, theres always that back cataloge to turn to.

    • joe C

      it never says anything about it being a remake but a reboot so they could easily go with an coninuation of the story and not start over I dont think they will go that route but they could

      • Rodney

        A reboot IS a remake. If they reboot the series, it cannot be a continuation of the other films.

        If they make Robocop 4, then its a continuation.

  • 420BAND

    Part one was a tour de force, mega violent, mega fun movie!

    2&3 were crap

  • isaiah

    the video game for NES was awesome, i remember loving that game, the 1st movie is the only one i enjoyed from the 3 but looking forward to the reboot of this movie, hope hes not as bulky as he was in the previous movies