Pulp Fiction F@cking Finally on Blu Ray

Pulp Fiction is one of those “must see” movies and if you ask me and a definate “must have”. While I do have it on DVD thats not good enough, if I really like a movie I want that badboy in a nice blue case.

Enjoy this mind reading trailer curtsey of Lionsgate.

Pulp Fiction will be available on Blu Ray on October 4th.

What is your favourite quote, scene or charachter?

“Zed’s dead, baby. Zed’s dead.”


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About Erik


  • adilabulhayat

    It totally blew my head off when I saw rating of pulp fiction as high as 9 in IMDB.But when finished watching it, it didn’t seem to be so high in the mark, but it is definitely worth watching.There are some mind blowing scenes in the movie while it also sheds light on criminal minds and lives.

  • http://watchamovietonight.blogspot.com/ classicmovies

    Best news of the week!

  • carl

    Great now I can watch the male on male rape seen in crystal clear High Def.

  • http://grossstadt-expressionismus.blogspot.com Baaam Daaam

    Ein sehr guter Film. besonders die erzählweise. Wird sogar an der Uni besprochen ein Kunstwerk!

  • Col Hans Landa SS

    “I’m the foot fuckin’ masta”