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August 15, 2011

Opinion: Final Destination 5 3D

— Posted by Angela

Final Destination 5 in 3D, where one orifice slams shut and the other screams like a little girl.

When I go to a movie, I go to be entertained. I’m not out to solve the world’s problems. I remember watching Mission Impossible 2 where Tom Cruise is hanging from the cliff by one arm and the lady behind me says, loudly, “Yea right!” I found this very irritating in that we should not be attending movies for reality, we can watch the five o’clock news for reality. We go for entertainment. That said, I found Final Destination 5 in 3D entertaining and highly disturbing from start to finish and oh my what a finish!

The plot of the movie is no different from the others, a group of people cheat death and death comes calling for each of them in the order in which they would have died. The different death scenes are very similar to the other FD movies in that the viewer anticipates a death one way, but it ends up being something shockingly different but no less gory. ** Spoiler Warning: I have to warn anyone contemplating laser eye surgery, and for that matter anyone who has had it (like myself) because those scenes had me literally squirming in my chair, and at some point my earring went flying…twice, and so did my milk duds! Geez.

Also special note to anyone who remembers the bridge collapse in Minnesota. The scene in FD was realistic enough to make me think of that real-life disaster and to continue my life-long fear of crossing those big bridges. That said, there aren’t too many scenes in the Final Destination franchise that are not disturbing.

While Final Destination and Rise of the Planet of the Apes both had predictible plots, the difference is that I expected more from Rise and its writers than to give me an ape easy plot. Before the naysayers can comment, let me clear that up. When we go see Final Destination 32, we are not expecting anything different from 1-31…they are all similar plot wise, we just see different gory deaths by different B actors, and lets face it, once you don a pair of 3D movie glasses are you seriously looking for Shakespeare? “Oh to be a glove upon that hand that I might touch thy face…” is a bit hard to work with if you’re going to throw something at me.

If you enjoyed the first Final Destination, you should see this one. The ode to the original made my mouth drop open in shock and awe. I enjoyed this film and would encourage those who appreciate the franchise to see it. You will not be disappointed and by all means hold on to your milk duds.

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