Noomi Rapace talks Prometheus, and Its Connection To The Alien Series

Theres been a ton of confusion about whether or not Prometheus is a part of the alien series. Well according to Noomi Rapace in an interview on MTV Movies Blog, it is indeed a spinoff. She also talks about her character and similarities with Ripley.

“She’s definitely her own [character],” Rapace told us during a recent interview on the set of “Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows,” adding that “Prometheus” does indeed have connections to the “Alien” series.

“She’s a scientist and is very bright,” she continued. “She’s a believer. I think there are some similarities, but she’s very much her own. I don’t think people will compare her so much to Ripley once they see the movie.”

“It’s a great honor and I’m really excited,” she said of working with the acclaimed director. “I’ve met him maybe seven or eight times and he’s so passionate. He really loves movies. He watches movies every night. He’s seen everything. We had a long chat on the phone — he’s in LA now — about my character. I have many ideas and he has many ideas, and now we’re starting to search and try to find her.
“I’m jumping into that straight off of [‘Sherlock Holmes 2’]. My character’s name is Elizabeth Shaw, and I’ll step into her shoes in March and be her for six months or something. It’s quite a long shoot. It’s unbelievable.””

Well, I dont see a definite “Its a prequel” statement or anything, but MTV mention a few times that it IS an Alien spinoff. I’m guessing that must mean those rumours about the Xenomorphs returning must be true then. I hope so anyway.
Anybody dissapointed that it’s not a standalone series? Or are you all just happy to see Scott return to that universe?

About Ian Fay

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  • 420BAND

    3 pushed it in the cheese zone for me, CGI aliens perportions were off to me and obvious, that and the whole prison angle slowed it down for me. After the stellar 1&2 (2 being the best of them all for me) this killed it off for me a bit, then to add insult to injury we got part 4.

    AVP tech. doesn’t count I guess (liked prt 1 though//2 was filmed by a elementry student who couldn’t adjust/turn off the zoom lens)

    I’m Game for Ridley though

    • 420BAND

      That and Noomi should kick ass in this!

  • MichoPower

    In my opinion the Alien franchise was ruined because they just couldn’t let go of Ripley. They kept telling the same ol story with the same ol character but with different settings. That got old real quick! Aliens is the best of the franchise with Alien 3 next on my list! I am glad this is not a prequel and hope this can breathe new life into the franchise! I may not like the other movies all that much but I will always be in line to see anything with the Xenos it! Hopefully Aliens truly can be resurected!!!

    • Antonius Reay

      I hope this is not another disaster like Terminator Salvation. BUT I have faith in Ridley Scott. I really love the Alien series except the 4th one.