New X-Men First Class Trailers

Yep, like the title says there are now 3 more trailers for Matthew Vaughn’s foray into the X-Universe with these taking the time to put the spot light on some of the characters in the movie not names ‘Charles’ or ‘Erik’.




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About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor

  • 420band

    Showing too much!….ARGGGHHHHH!


  • jack

    it looks okay, i was hoping they would go for a more exciting visual style. the director didn’t try for a more unique look.
    Also, the fishes in the bashee clip looked terrible!

    • Ryan

      What would have been a more exciting filming style? Are you talking Matrixy? Something on the lines of Zack Snyder? I really don’t think many of the ‘styles’ out there nowadays are all that unique anymore.

      It seems to me they went for a more simplistic, almost raw style of filming, which fits in with the time period the movie is supposed to be taking place in.

      • jack

        he is using the same boring visual style of xmen 1-2, trying to be too realistic and not over the top and insane.
        not just visual style, but i feel that the xmen series never pushed the envelope for over the top action scenes and visuals.

  • yigal

    This just looks so amazing, can’t wait for this to come out

  • vargas

    The more of this movie i see the more excited I get about it. Looks very good!

  • tzaylor

    Lovin that banshee clip!

  • chris

    I really have no care for the whole x-men franchise or comics,
    but I am really looking forward to this for some reason,
    I know the movie isnt out yet, but to x-men fans, how correct is it looking so far?

    • Roman

      About 80% of this is off in terms of scope but the core characters are faithful as individuals. It doesn’t matter though because they look like they are telling a good story and that is all that matters in terms of the movie. My only hope is that they pump the brakes on any more reveals because they are giving too much away and there will be no surprises in the movie.

  • Dave in accounting

    Havoc’s powers seem a whole lot like Scott’s except they come from his chest instead of the eyes….they could have used cyclops and it would have been the same thing minus the crazy out of control energy Frisbee’s

    • Rodney

      If you read the comics, you would see that Havok and Cyclops are brothers. And while Havok’s powers are heat/energy, Cyclops’ is purely kinetic.

      So yeah. They are very much the same. But they can’t use Cyclops as in this version he isn’t born yet.

      Whether they make Havok and Cyclops brothers in the movie canon is yet to be revealed.

      • Ryan

        Singer already said somewhere that they’re not brothers in this version — the age gap would be too severe for that to make sense.

  • fullmetal_medji

    I guess Vince Vaughn was inspired by his friend Jon Favreau to direct a super hero movie. LoL

    • 420BAND

      Yeah, he gave him the “Big bear and bunny speech” LOL.

      So I guess they are giving a tweeked explanation on Havoks origin/siblings I read somewhere. good idea seeing that Scott is supposed to be older (right?) and this takes place in the 60’s.

      Split hairs I guess.

    • Rodney


  • Kiel

    did you mean Matthew Vaughn?