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February 25, 2011

New Rio Trailer Online

— Posted by Rodney

A new trailer is out for Dreamworks Rio and I have to say I am somewhat more interested in it now than I was before.

It just didn’t wow me the first time out, but this new trailer seems to offer more of the ensemble of characters on screen, even if the trailer does pretty much spell out the entire story.


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Yeah, I didn't feel the first one either. something about the guys who brought us "Ice Age", the animation always seems cheap to me for some reason. dont get me wrong though, they nailed the Dr. Seuss look and although I really didn't love that one either, it was better. this concept seems cool and the backgrounds look great. BUT It doesn't scream "Watch Me". Pixar spoiled me I guess, and Dreamworks isn't far behind (on the look of their films) this just seems like 3rd place to me. just sayin'