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December 28, 2011

New Hi-Res ‘Underworld: Awakening’ images

— Posted by The Amazing Anthony

I don’t talk much about the Underworld franchise. It’s a guilty pleasure of mine and it’s right up there with the Resident Evil films and a few others. I don’t set the expectations very high story-wise for these movies and they’re typically just good excuses for picking up theater popcorn and looking at beautiful people in goth outfits. As such I just felt the urge to show you guys these photo’s for the upcoming movie that I found online.

They look kinda cool and some may be wallpaper worthy. I like having an excuse to see Kate Beckinsale in her Underworld attire, and I tend to enjoy those non-existent futuristic guns and gun play they feature in these films. For the life of me I can’t figure out what the hell iron thingy Theo James is holding. Any guesses?

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  • cash for cars Florida

    Your work is very good and I appreciate you and hopping for some more informative posts. Thank you for sharing great information to us.

  • shaun

    the underworld franchise is alright…i definitely would not put it on the same level as the Resident Evil movies..because in my opinion those movies are pretty terrible. in my opinion i think they should’ve stopped the movies after the Underworld 2. But of course Hollywood wants to try and squeeze out some more money.

  • Jose Montiel

    Kate should’ve been Catwoman in The Dark Knight Rises ’nuff said

  • Ken

    Wow, that Kate Beckingsale(Selene) can make a dude fall in love with her…EASY. I have sat through some lame movies just because Kate was attach to the film (-_-)

  • Roderick

    can’t say i’m excited about this movie… But Kate Beckinsale will forever be hot in black latex…

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