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May 10, 2011

New Conan the Barbarian Poster Online

— Posted by Rodney

A new poster for Conan the Barbarian is out and is showing the only reason we want to see this movie.

Buff intimidating man with giant sword making sushi out of his enemies.

Momoa is awesome on Game of Thrones. I look forward to him in this.


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  • MichoPower

    This looks really cool to me but I would be way more impressed with a barbarian that can swing a great sword like a samurai swings a katana!!! That would be one scary barbarian!

  • 420BAND

    This IS coming together nicely. Now just give me a James Earl Jones type turning a snake into an arrow then I’ll go wait in line tonight! :)

    Guess I should start Tivo/Dvr-ing Game of Thrones huh?

  • bernard

    …. i fell bit bothered my the poster, Conan is a king warrior from Hibornian era (am i right?) which probably older age than the middle earth age… so why is he fighting Japanese samurai type? He is not located in Japan right?

  • Bigsampson

    OH HELL YA! I am a Mamoa fan since Stargate (Ya thanks Canada….the best thing you have given the world). He looks awesome!

  • http://[email protected] Scott

    Never a big fan of the original but this is starting to look quiet eye-catching with its visual style and action sequences.

    Might take a trip out to see this one.

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