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March 7, 2011

Ra’s won’t ‘Rise’ in Batman 3?

— Posted by The "Superior" Anthony

There’s few better people to ask if a character will be returning to a movie franchise other than the person that portrayed the character themselves. Dark Horizon’s is reporting that Liam Neeson was questioned in the latest issue of Empire magazine whether Ra’s al Ghul would appear in the highly anticipated follow up to the Dark Knight and he shared:

Source: Dark Horizons

That rumor is totally not true. In the comic books, Ra’s Al Ghul goes into a life bath of some sort and immerses himself to become immortal. So that’s probably where that comes from. But no-one’s approached me with an offer. I’d like to if it happens.

I still think it’s entirely possible that he will appear in the movie but at this point it looks like it’s just not happening. I expect a lot of false information to make its way on the web surrounding this movie and Neeson specifically stated he hasn’t been approached to appear in the movie…thus far.

If any of the rumors, regarding the league of shadows returning in this movie, turn out to be true then I’ll have a hard time accepting “the demon” operating without it’s head.

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  • 420BAND

    His scene in the 3rd act of Begins killed the vibe for me, and made the movie just O.K. for me.(thank goodness for the joker card at the end)

    Weak ending and sloppy effects with the train.

    he’s always resurrected at some point in other media…so…..why not?

    Just kill the Bat off in the 3rd to come full circle.
    wait 5-7 yrs and restart.
    just sayin’

  • Gary

    Darkman 2012! Probably not. Wishful thinking.

  • Mister Mortombachman

    Pretty sure Ken Watanabe was Ras, not Neeson.

    • TheSwede

      hahaha. watch it again my friend. I’m pretty sure you missed “some” of the plot lines ;)

    • Lawrence

      Ken Watanabe was a front as “Ra’s Al Ghul”. The real Ra’s is Henri Ducard (Liam Neeson) in Batman Begins.

      • Mister Mortombachman

        Don’t know how I missed that part. It’s been a while since I’ve seen it.

  • darren j seeley

    Maybe a camo- but in a flashback if Talia is in it and is really needed.
    Other than that, nope.

    • knossis

      Now that flash back idea ain’t bad. That could work, maybe show him training her as a child and what not. Great idea and like Lawrence said above Liam Neeson is a great actor and would add to the movie.

  • Roderick

    Liam Neelson comes back because Batman stole his daughter… i’m down.

    • Rodney

      Read the article. Ras is NOT coming back.

      • NeonKlaws

        I think Roderick was hoping for some kind of Batman/Taken hybrid. Who could blame him, it would kick ass

  • Lawrence

    I’d like to see him resurrected for The Dark Knight Rises. Liam Neeson is a hell of an actor.

  • Dusty

    If you think about Raz’s point in the first movie, Raz al Ghul is a symbol. If he is destroyed, someone else can take up that mantle.

    • knossis

      Maybe Bane will take up the mantle.

  • knossis

    I don’t see how Nolan could bring him back. He got blown to bits when the subway car exploded in Begins. Plus, I don’t think the Larazus pits and their ability to restore life would fit into Nolan’s universe. If he was going to do that, he should have had Joker fall into a vat of chemicals.

    • Kimball

      Agreed. Nolan’s Batman universe doesn’t support things like immortality baths. It’s a realistic universe, and it should stay that way.

      • Fontez

        Not true… His Batman universe is SEMI-realistic, there’s a lot of obvious things that are just not possible in the movie.

        To be honest, you never actually SEE Ra’s die, you just see the subway crash and explode, but I could easily see a flashback of Talia grabbing his broken body and then using the Lazarus pit to bring him back to life.

        A pit of naturally occurring chemicals that can repair scar tissue and dead cells is no less realistic then a formulated serum code-named Venom, that can increase a mans adrenaline and muscle density instantly.

        It probably won’t happen, but it’s not as far fetched as you may think. You could even tie in the fact that the chemicals found in the Lazarus pit could also have been used to formulate the Venom serum. Now THAT would be interesting. Similar to win the Scarecrow used the same toxin derived from the blue flowers found on the mountain.

  • Kevin C

    Im still not sold on the whole “League of Shadows” storyline…it just seems too redundant for a director who makes so much of doing sequels only if the story is right…that of course doesnt mean its not true and its not a great story, but it just doesnt sound right yet, if that makes any sense.

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