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May 12, 2011

NBC Passes on Wonder Woman TV Pilot

— Posted by Rodney

Seems that after all the stink, the proposed Wonder Woman TV show has been shot down before it even got out the gate.

CBR’s Spinoff says

NBC has passed on David E. Kelley’s much-discussed Wonder Woman pilot, which reimagined the DC Comics superheroine as a successful corporate executive who fights crime in Los Angeles.

No official reason is given why, but I am sure the raging fanboys who were already upset about the show’s first looks can list their assumptions.

After such a shit storm was raised about the costume (which I had little issue with - pants are fine.. boots should have been red, and they did that) the filming of the pilot and reading of the script were getting mixed reviews.

How she pulled off the role, how the supporting cast looked, how it dealt with its differences from the source material.

Too many things to point fingers right now, but it sounds like it was a mix of a lot of things and that kind of doubt is enough to can a show this early.

And when the network passed on this consider that the more Battlestar Galactica writer Ronald D Moore’s supernatural crime drama (staring many B*G alum) was also rejected.

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  • Daniel

    I saw a leaked copy of the pilot last night. It was dumb as hell. Wonder Woman was practically a Bruce Wayne-esque millionaire running her own corporation and fighting crime at night. In the opening scene, she chases down some criminal, subdues him, then sticks a syringe in his throat and steals some of his blood for “testing back in the lab.”

    The badguy for the episode is some woman in charge of a pharmeceutical company and you know she’s evil because she has a british accent. Wonder Woman holds a press conference to publically accuse her of her crimes with no real evidence.

  • 420band

    OH C’MON!

    This Blows.
    Weren’t they supposed to have it include some Amazonian(tasteful like Game of Thrones) girl on girl action and have Kim Kardashian appear at some point? (in a white toga of coarse)


    • bernard

      Actually i found Game of Thrones to be… addicting, they have good premise & starter. Also princess Daenerys Targaryen quite a looker :)

  • Darren

    It’ll be seen- as Middlee man suggested above, I wouldn’t be surprised if the WW pilot didn’t show up on iTunes.

    As for Moore’s project, shouldn’t that be considered for SyFy? Even if they were not crazy about the Galactica spinoffs, I would be surprised if they weren’t asked.

  • Middleman

    I’ll bet they’ll put the pilot online just like the Aquaman pilot. That one was for sale on iTunes.

  • Lawrence

    Whoa. After all the press release and hoopla surrounding this Wonder Woman tv show, now comes the news that it gets “passed on” ….. so why produce this show in the first place then?

  • bernard

    post the pilot online & let us be the judge whether it is good or not.

    • Bruce

      Yeah…I would be interesting in seeing the pilot online… but I wouldn’t pay a penny to see it.

      • Lander

        I was in a test group last week where they had us screen the pilot. I’m actually pretty bummed that they passed on it, because (although there were a few kinks to work out) it was a pretty awesome show. Her outfit changed from the pants to the classic hot pants+ red boots about half way through. plus she threw a pipe through a mans head, which was pretty amazing. it was just a little disjointed, but could have worked out quite well. or not.

      • bernard

        same here, i wouldn’t pass my hard earned penny just to see the pilot. But do it with same strategy as Mortal Kombat then. If the pilot turn out to be good, it can get free PR from word of mouths. Maybe the network will change their mind somehow. (Although i’m still bummer like before if there are no Amazonian related backstory whatsoever)

  • Roderick

    womp womp… maybe CW will pick it up, it needs a another superhero show now that Smallville is ending.

    • Rodney

      CW is partly owned by DC, and they didn’t want it. Other networks passed on this already before Kelley had a chance to do a pilot with NBC.

      Other options are not looking good.

      • Shinobi

        If DC itslef rejected it then I don’t know how this could be any good. Doesn’t really matter to me since I don’t have any interest for a series with Wonder Woman as a standalone character but put her in a Justice League movie/series then you’ll have my full attention. I really liked her in the JL animated series, Superman/Batman: Apocalypse and Crisis on Two Earths animated features. I like her angry, she really kicks ass when she’s pissed off

    • Shon

      Wonder Woman has been long over due. Maybe I don’t understand how you can make 4 Batmans, 5 Supermans, 3 Spidermans, 2 Incredible Hulks, 2 Iron Mans and NO WONDER WOMAN lol. Wonder Woman is an Icon it would be great if they could bring her to the screen. But I guess someone will do it.

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