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July 18, 2011

MSN Film Fan talks Harry Potter and Winnie the Pooh

— Posted by Rodney

I am back again with another installment of the MSN FilmFan segment to talk about .

MSN FilmFan has weekly updates for us each Wednesday and this will go on for the first half of the Summer Season, and I will see if you want me to take over these weekly features for the rest of the summer and beyond.

This week filmfan supergeek Sami Jarroush states the obvious and shares the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 Trailer. Oh, and he shows the new Winnie the Pooh trailer too.

Video: FilmFan: ‘Harry Potter’ and ‘Winnie the Pooh’

While he did take the time to touch on Winnie the Pooh, this video was all about Harry Potter. MSN FilmFan‘s Sami doesn’t appear to me much of a fan of Harry Potter but at least he recognizes its success and pays due respect for this impressive franchise.

*This is a sponsored content article that is a part of the MSN FilmFan blogger program.

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