Mike Meyrs ready to Shag another day

The last time we saw Mike Myers star in a movie and not just voice a green ogre he was The Love Guru and it was beyond awful. The entire thing was just a travesti from start to finish.

Source: Hitfix

HitFix can now confirm that Mike Myers just closed his deal to return to the role. Yep. “Austin Powers 4” is coming, officially.

I enjoyed Austin Powers - International man of mystery back in 1997 as much as the next guy. Allthough Dr. Evil was always the favourite with his iconic pinky gesture and all around cliche Bond villain antics. Austin granted is a funny charachter in a very silly way and lets face it the original and the sequels were just that silly fun movies. My first thought when reading this news is far from positive, I had my fill with this franchise during the first 20 minutes of The Spy Who Shagged Me.

No baby. Just no.

UPDATE - Total film reports

Myers has apparently only just responded to an Austin Powers offer that the company made to him almost a year ago, but so far he has only expressed interest and negotiations are still underway.

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  • John Sweezy

    The only director worthy of bringing Wayne’s World back is me. Otherwise watching Mike and Dana try listening to dubstep would be a total failure.

  • http:www.cinemovie.tv Ethan

    This is so exciting! Cant wait to see Austin Powers charm the big screen once again!

  • Sterculius

    I’m in. I’ll be there opening weekend. I recognize all the character/series flaws, but still don’t care. Gonna be there.

  • Royal

    I’m looking forward to another round of Mr. Powers. I can do without Fat Bastard, but please give me more Frau “Send in the clone!” Farbissina!

  • http://www.readingjuice.co.uk/ MM

    The second one was my favourite but ‘Goldmember’ was definitely a close second. I’ve been rooting for a fourth film since the last one was released so I’m excited about this news, even though I’m aware it has the potential to go either way. One dissapointing thing will be the lack of the Fat Scottish Man who was thin at the end of the last movie, hopefully he’ll put his weight back on.

  • Bomtron

    I enjoyed all three of the AP movies. At this point we can probably shift focus to Dr. Evil as more of the lead. I would love to see him paired with Dana Carvey again.

  • Apostrophe

    The first two movies were fun, but the third movie was just sort of boring. You could practically hear the writers yawning as they tried to make sense that Austin and Dr. Evil were brothers.

    The one shining moment of the third movie that I hope they elaborate on is the transition of Seth Green’s character, Scott. I’m hoping they incorporate the 9 year gap in sequels as a plot point in which Scott is planning something absolutely, truly evil and Austin and Dr. Evil have to stop him. Still, I’m on the fence on this one. The third movie just wasn’t that good.

  • 420BAND

    FRANCHISE IS A DEAD HORSE…He should just get back with Dana Carvey and either make another Waynes World at this point or something entirely different BUT with Dana…..

    so many possibilities with gags on current music scene that it boggles the mind going back to a dry well…

    • http://www.judymoodymovie.com Erik

      I was tempted to suggest the same thing myself, but you would really need Dana for something like that. Austin Powers…. sigh

      • 420band

        Dana + Myers = another hit.

        I dont care if it’s “sprockets meets church lady” ANYTHING is better than another Powers filck, y’know like Indy 4 SAME SHIT! :)

  • Irondoomfist

    Actually the last movie he was in that we saw was Inglorious Bastards, he plays General Ed Fenech. It was a small role but he was good in it.

    • http://www.judymoodymovie.com Erik

      That is correct, but I was speaking to a leading roll :), you are right tho he was good.