Megan Fox enjoys the set of This is forty

This is forty Judd Apatow’s next movie starring Starring Leslie Mann, Chris O’Dowd, Paul Rudd and Jason Segel is a spin-off involving Rudd and Mann’s charachters from Knocked Up. In a small role we will see the oh-so-hot-not-so-talented Megan Fox and let me guess she plays a hot chick?

Fox shared this photo from the set on her facebook page.

Source: FABlife

Now when I stumbled upon the headline promising a picture of Megan Fox at/in a pool I hoped for a lot more than seeing Jason Segel grinning from ear to ear. But it was not a total waste, there was also this.

Leslie Mann told MTV in a recent interview, “Megan Fox is so funny. She’s hilarious. You wouldn’t, I don’t know if other people expect it, but I think she is really funny. You’ll be pleasantly surprised.”

Call me cynical but I have a hard time believing it.

About Erik


  • Erik

    Dont get me wrong, I by no means hate Megan Fox or her success, if she turns out to be funny that would be a good thing and nothing else.

    Mind you I called her not so talented not devoid of talent, in my book she was better than Rosie Huntington who replaced her in Transformers.

  • Greg

    Megan Fox may not be a comedienne, but it doesn’t mean she can’t be funny. People are quick to make assumptions about other people, especially about Fox. Everyone likes to create so much flack about how terrible her acting is and how much of a bitch she is, but I think there’s more than meets the eye. If her role is meant to be funny, I think she’ll surprise everyone and do well with it. If not, the other actors involved will more than compensate and carry the brunt of the humour.

    As you said, ‘This Is Forty’ is a spin-off of Knocked Up, one of Apatow’s already funny and successful comedies. Right there, it sees the return of Jason Segel and Paul Rudd (who were hilarious together in Forgetting Sarah Marshall), it sees yet another film starring Leslie Mann (who’s always fantastic and popular with audiences) and of course, to once again round out the Apatow clan are her real life daughters who play Sadie and Charlotte. That rounds out the original cast from Knocked Up, and fortunately (at least for myself) leaves out Seth Rogen, an actor (if that’s what you want to call him) who I can’t stand. In addition to an already stellar cast (in my opinion) is Melissa McCarthy, who shined in the groundbreaking comedy Bridesmaids.

    If Fox proves not to be funny, whether she tries to be or not, she wouldn’t be useless. Not everyone in a comedy has to be funny. Olivia Wilde fit in well as a side character in The Change Up, playing a fun, frisky legal associate. However mediocre the movie was as a comedy, you can’t discount her role in it. She was gorgeous and she liked baseball, and in a movie that revolved around crude, “guy” kind of humour, I think her character was a homerun without the humour. She was cool, and my guess is Megan Fox will serve the same objective. To prove all the naysayers wrong though, I hope Fox does well on the comedy front.


    Ms. Fox is funny, it’s true. Have you heard most of the stuff that comes out of her mouth? Hysterical!

  • Deetz

    I’m pretty excited to see what else she can do, especially in comedy. I feel like she hasn’t been given much of a chance really based on the roles she’s been given. maybe an Apatow flick will help her credibility.

    also Sorry for being off topic, but did The Movie Blog go under new ownership again? is Rodney out?

    • Erik

      Ownership has stayed the same but Rodney is no longer here.

      • Deetz

        gotcha, thanks for the update!

  • lotto

    erik quit hating on megan fox. she probably acts better than you can. Your just a bunch of HATERS (Having anger towards everyone reaching success)

  • Geoff Talbot

    Well, I have to disagree with you. Personally I think Megan is a much better actor than many people give her credit for being.

    Yes she is hot! But we are talking acting ability here.

    Did any of you see “Jennifers Body” she was fantastically horrible, a super bitch and a great villain.

    Go for it Megan.

  • Natalie

    Actors never say bad things about their peers. They’re never honest because of the damn PR. So, I won’t keep my hopes up, ’cause I’m pretty sure Fox will do a bad job as is her usual.