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January 21, 2011

Mathew Vaughn on Leaked X-Men: First Class Cast Image

— Posted by Ian Fay

Remember earlier in the week, we showed you this pretty awful cast image? As Anthony stated, Fox and Matthew Vaughn were not impressed. Read what he had to say. From io9

“I freaked out on them yesterday. I don’t know where the hell that came from. I don’t think it’s a Fox image. It’s not a pre-approved image. When I found out, I said, what the fuck is this shit, and Fox is running around trying to figure out what happened as well. I agree. It’s like a bad photoshop, which maybe it was by someone. It didn’t reflect the movie. I was shocked when I saw it. I was like ‘Jesus Christ’…

I wonder what the hell happened. Did some oportunistic employee just find the pics and poorly photoshop them together? Either way, its clear Matthew is furious, which is perfectly understandable, as that image was a poor first impression. He also had this to say about the costumes in the film.

“I’m a fan of X-Men. We’re not bastardizing X-Men, I’m trying to get them back to being whole again. The costumes are blue and yellow as well, because fuck it, lets take it back it the original. Also, by the way, those costumes are hardly in the movie. The main costumes are like these cool 60’s James Bond…”

Hmmm… so those uniforms must only be in a section of the whole film, and the rest will be 60s fashion. I just really want to see the trailer for this. I’ve had a on-off relationship with the X-Men movies. I half liked the first two, liked Wolverine a bit more and was shocked by The Last Stand (Feckin’ atrocious, if you ask me).

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  • clambake

    According to Wikipedia this film will be the fifth installment of the series and is a prequel to the first three. I’m not too thrilled with the casting on this film, but if you’re not at the auditions you never know. Hopefully, these players will be up to the task. Maybe it will be good. I really love the CGI in these films, it is usually cutting edge technology. The leaked photo is definately not impressive, looks more like a new cast for another series of Star Trek movies. Probably not from the studio. They just can’t keep anything secret in Hollywood anymore!

  • Ryan

    Liking Wolverine more than X2 or even X1 (or hell, X3) is a deal-breaker on credibility :P

    All that said, I hope they keep January Jones’s costume in that picture… that’s perfect.

    • Ian Fay

      Hahaha, I kinda knew when writing that post, a lot of you guys wouldnt be pleased. I don’t know, I was a bit young when I saw them and they just didnt rock me.
      The Last Stand was a travesty, and I’ll never watch it again, but I kinda liked Wolverine.
      Maybe if i went back and rewatched the first two, I might like em.
      I never really did like the X-Men (Cartoons, Comics or films) or most of their characters so… perhaps I’m unintentionaly biased?
      I’d like to think that isn’t the case.

  • Geno

    Just show more pics of January Jones dressed up as Emmma Frost/ White Queen and I will not complain at all. Vaughn does seem to be pissed at whoever did this whether it is by Fox or someone else. He did a good job with Kick Ass and was very close to the book so I believe him when he says that he isn’t trying to Bastardize the X Men. Lets hope a trailer comes out soon.

  • giantguy1321

    As above: My bet is that this picture is a real composite!! A test the water picture, purposefully leaked by the studio.

    Vaughn upon seeing the reaction to the pic is now thinking he’s got a possible stinker on his hands. So he’s denying all references to said pic, explained it away quite badly and rushed off to the editing room.

    Hopefully I’m wrong though! I can’t wait for the new movie and kinda like the new suits and they look very 60’s comic book (which is what I thought they were going for).

    • Rodney

      Or this was unintentionally leaked and it was an early composite for the potential final cast poster.

      No logo? No title? Nothing at all claiming the studio’s copyright? Looks unfinished to me.

      • giantguy1321


        Could be a banner shot for a promo, showing and/or premiere. They don’t always show a logo.

  • giantguy1321

    My bet is that these pictures are infact real!! Vaughn

  • Supercaculo

    Does Gambit appears in this movie. because he is one of the best xmen out there.

    • Darren

      Gambit does not appear.

    • Rodney

      Gambit is just the same theme as Wolverine with a different accent.

      I like Gambit and all, but he was an excuse to have a Wolverine type roguish lone wolf character in the X-Books while they tried to make Wolverine more of a stand alone title in the 90s.

      That being said he doesn’t have anything to do with the X-Men of this time period, and I for one like how they are fleshing out the story of Xavier and Erik.

  • knossis

    Ian did you just say you half liked the first two X-men films? Ok…I can agree with you on the first X-men film because that was an under budgeted test flight and in some parts that really showed. The second film up until the Dark Knight was one of the best put together Superhero films of all time. Although Wolverine wasn’t terrible it doesn’t hold a torch to X-2. Wolverine and X-3 are in the same ball park to me. They both had good sections and bad sections. As for the new film, the initial shot above and the one of Magneto wearing helmet have me worried. Magneto looks like a bobblehead doll.

    • tzaylor


      Although the 60’s setting has me hopeful, love the old james bond sets.

  • HDpunk

    wolverine was better than x3

  • Cloud720

    I’m sorry did you just say that you liked wolverine more than X2?

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