Love Wedding Marriage Trailer Online

Posted by on 13. 04. 2011in Uncategorized

For an actor like Dermot Mulroney who has made the notable part of his living in Romantic Comedies, it is a natural progression for the actor to make the leap to the director’s chair with a RomCom.

Mulroney will direct Mandy Moore and Twlight alum Kellan Lutz in Love Wedding Marriage that sets Moore as a Marriage counsellor coming to terms with her parents getting a divorce which threatens to shake her own marriage and career.

With Twilight coming to a close all those actors are going to have to do something to keep their names in the trades, and it looks Like Kellan Lutz will be hopping on the RomCom train to keep those dollars chugging.

Mandy Moore always has a genuine presence to her, and she’s maturing into a fine looking woman. She’s always classy with that layer of vulnerability that makes her perfect for a RomCom.

The interesting thing about this film is that it will be available on Video On Demand services a month before its limited theatrical release of June 3rd. Should be interesting to see how that plays out.


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