Let’s look at new Amazing Spider-Man photos

Entertainment Weekly has, once again, got the scoop on the latest comic book movie blockbuster coming our way. This one happens to be everyone’s, especially mine, favorite superhero ever “The Amazing Spider-Man”.

Click em embiggen

Via: Reel Comix

Now, I know I’ve been complaining about comic book character costume redesigns lately. I think they’re usually crap. This costume is warming up on me. It’s got a lot of the characteristics right, but I am a Spider-Man purist so I really don’t like alteration to perfection. I loved the Raimi trilogy but was incredibly irked by the changes to the comic book design of the costume and especially hated Raimi’s black costume spider-man, but eventually warmed up to the changes.

Aside from that, I’m also warming up to the idea of a Spider-Man film that’s central focus isn’t rescuing Mary Jane from some baddie who likes dangling women from high altitudes. the Lizard likes the sewers, Gwen is around, and Martin Sheen and Sally Field look absolutely charming from what I can see. There’s a rumor that a trailer will pop up soon, and I’m looking forward to seeing this character in motion.

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About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor

  • Anti-Septic

    The suit looks fine to me, although I did like the Raime version of the suit better but I can totally understand trying to distance this movie from the trilogy as much as possible.

    I’ll go see it

  • Kaneda979

    Look out evil doers, Spider-Man is gonna kick your butt with his golden slippers. Sorry, I don’t know if I’m ever gonna get over that bad design choice. Who ever thought that would look cool on Spidey needs to be fired.

    The new suit over all I think is bad, the old suit was great and you know what they say, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”, oh well, such is Hollywood. But the other stuff on the new suit I think I can get over. However and maybe it’s just me, but those damn sissy gold slippers…*shivers in disgust*

    The first 2 pics up top are pretty silly looking too. The very first one especially cracks me up. So scared for this movie.

  • http://pencilword.blogspot.com/ vargas

    I don’t know. I still love Raimi’s/Maguire’s Spiderman so I’m reserving judgement until i see the movie.

    • giantguy1321

      I also loved Raimi’s Spider-man, but I’m willing to give the new movie a go. It won’t stop me enjoying the previous movies. Still on the fence about those web-shooters though!!! I always thought Raimi’s take was easier to believe, but it’s not a deal-breaker. Plus I’m really looking forward to seeing the lizard in action Maguire or no Maguire.

      • giantguy1321

        By previous movies I meant 1 & 2!!! Spider-man 3 (as we all know) was just so bad!!! It makes my brain itch just thinking of that dance scene!!!

  • 420BAND

    Casio wristwatch webshooters!!!!

    pretty good idea actually, finally exploring the Scientist/geek side of Peter Parker and not just the “I’m broke”/Your fired! angle.

    Wanna see Lizard in full glory though, the Baddie will make or break the film IMO

    But I’m positivley optimistic that this will rock hard!

  • http://darrenjameseeley.wordpress.com/ Darren

    I could not help notice EW’s contradictory hype comment regarding the web shooters.

    “No one loves to debate arcane minutiae than comic book geeks… and then proceed to side comment how “silly” the previous trilogy’s organic web shooters were.
    and that “newbies” won’t understand…

    Boooo! Hssss! Hisss! Tsk Tsk Tsk

    The next favorite is Garfield’s quote:

    “This isn’t a replacement. It’s another chapter”
    Oh, the frakin’ media hype machine, always with the high road attitude. Either this is a new chapter from the previous trilogy or it’s a reboot/restart with another take on the character. and we all know it’s the latter. So what’s up with that, EW?

    On the plus side, the pix are fairly nice, aside from the morning hairstyles of Sally Field and Martin Sheen

    • Kevin C

      I thought that was a dis at first too, but if you read it carefully they are describing the webbing as “silly string” not the organic web shooters as being silly…