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March 4, 2011

less Joe’s in G.I. Joe sequel

— Posted by The "Superior" Anthony

I wasn’t sure of what direction they were intending to take the sequel to the successful “G.I. Joe” movie but it seems that the plan is to trim the fat and give us a meaty experience minus the characters things that were criticized in the first. Rachel Nichols portrayed Scarlett in the first film and she happened to tweet an update as to who’s returning and who’s not.


GI JOE 2 News Flash: The only characters to return in the JON CHU directed sequel will be SNAKE EYES, STORM SHADOW, and DUKE…

That’s more than a little surprising. Most of us weren’t sure if we should expect to see the return of Marlon Wayans or not but I thought an appearance by Dennis Quaid would be a lock. Actually, I’m going to take this with a grain of salt as she didn’t even mention if her character was returning for the sequel or not.

The first film wasn’t a terrible movie, but it wasn’t great either with a lot of room for improvement. I’ll sit back and wait for more information to become available because at the moment I’m just shocked.

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  • julian

    i agree the film was great BUT only if you take it for what it was a great kick £$$ action movie, a popcorn movie if you will. if you were into the cartoon, comic or toys then the first movie may not be to your taste, but if you take it for what was like i did then youd love it and any sequel they might make. personally I LOVED it, in england i was into action man same as gi joe, i watched gi joe as a kid and loved it, but the film follwed few of the references of those and did better for it, to all fanboys out there if the film followed the cartoon or comic entirely it would have tanked, IT DID WELL AT THE BOX OFFICE, ACCEPT IT and move on, the people have spoken and ENJOYED IT!!!! as to the sequel, BRING IT ON more of the same thank you very much……

  • matty

    Less characters. Now all we need is less suck.

  • SuperHeroNerd

    am I on crack or did they kill storm shadow off in the first film? if its a “Sequel” is it a good idea to bring back a dead guy???

  • Norberto

    So they are not mentioning teh bad guys yet, but mentioning Storm Shadow as a joe could point that he changes sides in the sequel, as he does in almost every Joe incarnation.

  • 420BAND

    Same here (the 1st viewing)
    Wayans actually fitted nice in this movie, although I thought at any minute he was going to shout “You Brought Your Bitch To The Waffle House!”

    Scarlet was O.K , her rack actually had better scenes than she did.
    Snake Eyes (NO MOUTH PLEASE!) and Storm Shadows scenes were hilarious!

  • Xilpaxim

    That is really weird. I actually really enjoyed the GI Joe movie, it had a lot of the original cartoon silliness in it. The suits were fairly stupid, and I abosolutely hated the ending, but I was more than a little surpirsed at my level of enjoyment of it.

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