Justin Lin talks Terminator

Justin Lin has been making all typed of headlines recently with his latest movie Fast Five demolishing the box office this passed weekend. In addition to that he had already begun speaking on things Terminator related in the weeks leading up to the release of Fast Five going as far as to name drop the Governator’s return to the franchise but rumors went a little too far and even began including the idea that Linda Hamilton and others would return as well.

Source: AICN

“No. I don’t know where that came from,” he said of that particular report. “Everything has just been between me and Arnold, you know? Just us going out and trying to find the right partners. I have certain elements, but it’s never been about, ‘Hey, let’s bring everybody back!’ I just don’t process that way. To me, thematically, there are certain things that I want to see in a ‘Terminator’ movie. A lot of that does draw back to creating this timeline that is an extension, closer tonally to the first and second movies. But to me, it’s not as mathematical as, ‘Hey, let’s get everybody back together and we’ll shoot the movie.'”

There are also a lot of gaps from what we love about all of the ‘Terminator’ movies, so there’s a lot of things we can do and play with. To me, all of that, I don’t really want to discuss it now. That’s part of the fun of developing. But the bigger questions for me are always the characters and the themes. You want to start there. But obviously, answering your question, [‘Terminator’] does have that capability, finding fresh ways of going back without destroying other [movies], because you can tell your own stories.”

“We’re talking to different studios, but it has to be the right situation. If it’s not right, then I could totally move on and I should move on.

I like that he has a plan and I like that he’s willing to walk away from the project if he feels it can’t be done properly. Hopefully if he’s the only one fueling this movie, with good intentions, it wouldn’t get warped and McG’d into a bad movie if he walked away. I’m still not fully convinced we need another Terminator movie. I like the Governator and all but they could really be beating a dead horse, especially after all the negativity that surrounded the last Terminator project. Let’s see how this one shapes up.

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About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor

  • Kevin C

    I want to see Bale back as John Connor and I want to know how the machines (or humans) developed time travel and started the whole time loop that is the crux of the Terminator franchise. The whole idea of the possible paradoxes and the gravity of what could happen in futures past is extremely appealing and lends itself to great story telling.

    I also liked McG’s “Salvation” and I think too often he gets a bum rap rather unfairly. I hope they dont just ignore his contributions to the franchise…

  • Bigsampson

    I liked T4 too and so did all my friends… The only people who didn’t like it are people who can’t get over the fact that part 2 was so good. T4 was easily better then Thor IMO. haha frost giants….

  • MichoPower

    I would love to see another Terminator continuing the T4 saga! I must be one of the few people that really loved that movie. Arnold coming back just completely kills my enthusiasm for a new one though. They need to get over him and move on unless he is simply used as he was in T4 as CGI.

    • joe C

      you just said everything i keep saying everytime i see a story about.

  • 420BAND

    I said it before, T4 wasn’t the train wreck like T3 was, IMO.

    say what WE will about McG (does he still use that name?)but he at least brought some of what T3 should have done. Show us the world AFTER the bombs went off!Grant it we didn’t get the skull crushing tanks war scene I always wanted to see with the T100’s fight Connor and stuff, BUT at least he went there and came up with a decent spin. the problem to me was casting Batman in that role. Sam owned that film not Connor. and thats what did it in for me.

    Just sayin’

    I’ll go see another one though.

    • Rize

      McG wasn’t the problem with T4, the problem was the rushjob script. Everything McG was responsible for - the look, the tone, the action (no shakycam! no quick cuts!) was SUPERB.

      Bringing Arnold back is a mistake though, in my opinion. Maybe as a human, but another t-800 that looks like arnold? when does it end?