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February 28, 2011

Hulk Smash like Ruffalo

— Posted by The "Superior" Anthony

There’s not too many details that have been released about the Avengers movie, but the few details that have been released emit nothing but excitement for fans like myself. Mark Ruffalo was on the red carpet last night and was again questioned about his involvement in the Avengers movie.

Via: Collider

[It looks] just like me. We’re going out of our way. First of all, I’ll be playing it. I’ll be the first actor to actually do it in motion capture as the Hulk. And so all the features are mine — they’re just really big.

I love his excitement and enthusiasm. There’s a lot of excitement surrounding the impressive cast and director that’s been lined up for this film, and it’s hard to not also get excited when hearing this guy talk about his role in the film.

I think it’s pretty interesting that the Hulk will carry Ruffalo’s likeness, but I have to admit that I think it would have been easier if the Hulk had his own likeness in order to help differentiate himself from Bruce Banner. I always liked the contrast that’s been used previously to support the whole ‘Jekyll and Hyde’ thing that they’ve created visually but I’ll get over it.

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  • Derek Mayer

    Mark Ruffalo is a extremely good actor as was ed norton. Bana did a good job too it’s not the actor that was playing the Hulk it was the screen play and bad special effects.

    • justme

      Tell me about it. Hulk versus the cloud and Hulk verus mutant poodles. UGH.

      I liked the Norton movie a lot more but I don’t think it escaped the first movie’s karma.

  • N

    I don’t need banner to look like the Hulk. Its never been that way. The Hulk needs to look like the Hulk not each new actor playing him.

    • giantguy1321

      Yeah, but the Hulk is not an individual entity. Without Bruce Banner there would be no Hulk & it’s still the same body only larger.

      There have been many gamma irradiated characters in the Hulk comics over the years and they all change into their own style of Hulk like beast. Some male, some female, some young, some old, some with long hair and others short. The changed characters usually have something in common with the pre-transformation version. Banner’s Hulk has the memories and in most versions a similar look (Hair etc.) to his human state.
      Betty can see it when she looks it him and into his eyes. She knows he’s in there somewhere. So why not have the Hulk with similar features to Banner??

      I watched The Incredible Hulk again last night and the Hulk does have the residual features of Norton, but tweeked a little. Would be cool to see how far they could take that resembalance to Banner in the new Avengers movie.

      Overall it’s not a must, but I feel it could help the vewing audience connect with the character more. In both the Avengers movie and any future Hulk sequals.

  • Jason

    I like how they did the Hulk in the last movie, it was fine. I would’ve left well enough alone.

  • knossis

    They did some facial motion capture of Norton in his version of he Hulk. But once it was expanded you really couldn’t tell the difference. They also had stunt guys and Nortion do motion capture in regards to the Hulks movement. It’s been done before, hopefully the tech has improved and we will notice the facial and bodily similarities.

  • 420BAND

    Sounds good and all BUT I dont like this guy, he’s got No Energy.
    always seems too laid back and soft spoken.

    Not my Idea of a good Hulk.

    hope I’m wrong though (and good thing he’s in an multi-hero film so I’t wont stand out much)

  • Jordan

    Good idea. I did feel that the Hulk in both the Norton and Bana films had little in common with the actor. Looking at the comic, you can see that the Hulk looked as he did because he was a monstrous adaptation of the original human form, i.e. dark hair etc.

    Another thing that’s funny is how the actor is going to be playing one of the strongest and burliest characters in the marvel universe, but he doesn’t even have to work out :)

  • Roman

    I like that they will have The Hulk look like Bruce Banner! I think it will better show that they are, in fact, the same person even though Banner has great difficulty controlling his powers.

    • giantguy1321

      I agree it’s important to see a likness to Bruce Banner. He is in there after all. He may not be in control, but the Hulk should always be recognisable as Banner. I’m hoping that the motion capture will add the important lifelike feel to the character.

      The Hulks always been my favourite. Part of what makes me love the green goliath is the emotions I feel towards his plight. The scenes I enjoy the most in the movies (apart from the action) are when I feel truely sorry for the Hulk. The end of the last movie when the Hulk softy says “Betty” with that sorrowful look in his eyes. Which was instantly replaced only seconds later by anger as gunfire once again rains down.
      That left me sobbing into my pop-corn.

      This is an important dimension of the character and can only be improved upon by captured human features. It all comes down to two things though. Will the actor be good enough and comfortable enough playing the role to pull it off. If he doesn’t take the part seriously then it won’t work, motion capture or no motion capture!!

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