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May 31, 2011

Happy Feet 2 Teaser Trailer Online

— Posted by Rodney

Happy Feet won an Academy Award half a decade ago, but its taken them until now to come up with a premise for a sequel, even though the music might just be from 5 years ago… or longer.

Check out the teaser trailer for Happy Feet Two.

While this teaser tells us nothing of the plot, it would seem the story will focus around the offspring of the first film’s antagonist Mumble. Mumble won over the masses with his tap dancing mastery and now years later has a son Erik. Every father’s nightmare comes true as his son doesn’t want to follow his father’s legacy. Erik is reluctant to dance, and finds a new father figure/mentor in The Mighty Sven - a penguin who can fly.

The teaser makes me think this will be more rehashing of the cute penguins singing and dancing, but there might be something more. I will wait for a full trailer before I get itchy about this one.

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  • onering

    uhhhhh…..god I hate this teaser.

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