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February 24, 2011

Hansel and Gretel have a sheriff

— Posted by The "Superior" Anthony

I’ve seen Peter Stormare play everything from a loony scientist on a space station, to a hardened mob boss, to the Devil himself and in my eyes he consistently brings a strong and welcome performance to whatever production he’s in. Today’s news is that he will join the cast in “Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters” which has already secured the sultry Famke Jannsen, Gemma Arterton, Noomy Rapace and hot commodity Jeremy Renner to the impressive cast.

Source: Geek Tyrant

D.W. Harper wrote the reimagined tale which focuses on the brother and sister fifteen years after surviving the ordeal at the gingerbread house and are now full-time witch hunters. Renner and Arterton play the titular siblings, with Berdal playing one of the witches in the pack led by Janssen. Stormare is set to play the role of Berringer, a crooked town sheriff.

The premise sounds great and now all I’m waiting for is the execution. I’ve been a fan of Stormare’s performances for years now and I’ve slowly become a fan of Renner’s work. I even went as far as to recently re-watch his performance in S.W.A.T. and The Town to help solidify my comfort in his role as a ‘badass’. Famke Janssen is really so easy on the eyes that it usually distracts me from the fairly good performances she’s given in recent memory. Every thing looks good on paper, now it’s time to see the real magic take shape.

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  • bernard

    i remember his awesome performance in fargo. I also dig his Lucifer personification in otherwise so-so constantine. He should play devil king more often because he owned it.

  • 420BAND

    Famke Janssen is easy on the eyes alright. Viva le Dutch!

    Peter Stormare is always pure quality. he can go from menacing to quirky on the drop of a hat.
    Fargo was one of his best movies IMO (barely said a word!)

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