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February 17, 2011

Guy Ritchie not making ‘Xerxes’

— Posted by The "Superior" Anthony

As is the case with a lot of movies, it seems that yesterday’s rumor jumped the gun as Cinemablend reports that Guy Ritchie will not be directing the ‘300’ sequel Xerxes.

Source: Cinemablend via The Playlist

…there is a possibility that Ritchie saw a script for the project and maybe even contemplated doing the gig, but Warner Bros. has confirmed that he will not be directing the project. Instead, we can probably look forward to a few months of speculation as the studio hunts down new blood to take over the project.

That was a quick correction by WB. The idea of Ritchie directing made me very interested in what he may have developed had he decided to take on this film. I’m a bit disappointed that he won’t direct, but the rumor raised the movie pretty high on my radar so I’m anxious to find out who will in fact helm the movie and make it a reality.

Snyder’s interesting use of color and slow mo made 300 the fantastic spectacle of crimson and arrows that it was, and made the movie a worldwide hit. Who else could bring that level of vision to the film and presumably make Frank Miller’s graphic novel a reality?

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  • sirbriang2

    If WB wanted this movie to really work and Snyder can’t do it (or won’t be allowed to because of how bad he’s been since 300), I would suggest Robert Rodriguez. His work on Sin City was great. Of course, he would need to tweak Miller’s humorless story, but that’s the only way I can see this turning out as anything approaching watchable.

  • J

    I think this is just a bad idea, the movie was good because it was based on the graphic novel which was good, making a sequel just because 300 was good is the worst kind of flawed logic that hollywood make so often. How about doing another graphic novel movie like Sláine, if done right it would be miles better than 300 because he’s a better character and the comics have an amazing mix of humour and violence, magic demons chicks etc. As long as it’s as faithful as possible to the comic it will work beautifully. Or most things by 2000AD(done faithfully) would be amazing. Slaughterbowl for instance would be a massive movie if only for the amazing twist at the end!! Oh wait sorry Hollywood are afraid to make R rated movies (because kids are the ones with the jobs and money!!)

    • Anthony

      I’m pretty sure Frank Miller began making a graphic novel sequel to 300 shortly after 300 received its’ opening weekend box office results. A quick online search will allow you to find some more info on the book, but this movie will be based on the artwork and graphic novel created by Frank Miller.

  • 420BAND

    I know he botched the first gig at the directors chair BUT……. how bout Frank Millar?

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