Green Lantern: Emerald Knights Trailer

The trailer for the new Green Lantern animation has shown up on Comics Aliance and it looks pretty cool to me. It’ll be released on the 7th of June and stars Nathan Fillon as Hal Jordan! It also stars Elizabeth Moss, Jason Isaacs, Kelly Hu, Henry Rollins and Roddy Piper and was executive produced by DC Animation Legend Bruce Timm, so hopefully it’ll be good!

Green Lantern has become one of my favourite superheroes lately. I’ve spent so much buying up old Trade Paperbacks trying to soak in the history, so naturally im pretty happy about this! I just hope they do it justice!
Anyone else a big GL fan or just excited about more handdrawn DC goodness?

About Ian Fay

You've got red on you...

  • 420BAND

    Liked First Flight. So I’ll give this a whirl.
    Sorry to say the Feature Film might not live up to expectations (if the trailers are any indication).

  • Geno

    I will watch this just for the fact that Fillion is voicing Hal.

  • joe C

    i like it i will probably view it first and then decide to buy it for my collection

  • knossis

    Big GL fan. Geoff Johns really reinvented the saga and corps. Love the various corps they have now. They have really expanded the GL universe and the DC universe as a whole because of this. I used to think Sinestro was so dorky looking with his almost elfish uniform but now he is a complex character with his own corps. Good stuff all around. I hope the ryan reynolds movie captures some of this.

    • Ian Fay

      Yeah my thoughts exactly, Geoff Johns really gave Green lantern a kick up the arse from what I can see. The past few years have rocked, specially the sinestro corps war and Blackest Night (the hardcover version is like my favourite graphic novel)

  • DrTheopolis

    don’t understand why they had to change the voice cast from the first GL DCU animated movie?? now, we’ll have THREE casts/universes for GL to contend with: 1) live action film with Ryan Reynolds, 2) CG animated series still to come and 3) this DCU animated movie. I thought DC was doing a better job than Marvel at keeping their casts cohesive!

    • Rodney

      There have been plenty of Wolverines in different Movies, TV series and animated specials to disprove that theory. Hugh Jackman didn’t voice them all.

      And DC doesn’t always have the same voice actor for Superman, Batman, Flash, Wonder Woman, Lex Luthor and Joker either, so its hardly a new trend.

      Its ok if different people play different characters in different iterations of the property. It happens ALL the time.