Governator considering ‘Twins’ sequel

The Governator has had a dizzying amount of projects rumored with his name attached and the latest is another sequel to one of his oldies. The idea is to get Danny DeVito to return to the silver screen as the runt twin again.

Source: Dark Horizons

The same source that broke the Justin Lin “Terminator 5” news tells What’s Playing that Arnold Schwarzenegger is considering another sequel to another of his works - the 1988 comedy “Twins”.

Their source claims “Arnold, Danny De Vito and Ivan Reitman are all still in touch and want to work together again, Universal came to them about it [a ‘Twins’ sequel]. It’s a germ of an idea that could spread fast.”

This is another movie that I think a sequel would be 10yrs too late. The original came out in the 80’s when the Governator was near his physical prime and comparing that with the saggy chest Governator of today just isn’t fair. And Danny Devito! Don’t get me wrong, I love the level of talent he has but I think I prefer my DeVito behind the scenes, thank you. And another thing, Doesn’t Reitman know full well that “10yr later” sequels just might not be a good idea?

Although I am curious as to what they would propose as a story for a sequel. Sequels can work, they just have to be decisively smart about their approach when the sequel is developed so many years after the originals’ release. I like the way that Wallstreet 2 handled Gordon Gekko being in prison the entire time in between sequels and think a natural progression of time might open up the door for sequel ideas. Good ones.

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About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor

  • Pman-67

    If they do it, the sequel will center on their children. Sequels always revolve around the children when they wait so long that the stars have aged past their prime. Although as old as these guys are, the movie should be about their grandchildren.

  • Middleman

    DeVito is still brilliant onscreen. Check out “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia” to see him killing it.

  • 420BAND

    Do people still remember this one?

  • Ryan

    I wouldn’t automatically write it off. Danny Devitto’s never really done a terrible movie, as far as I’m concerned, so I doubt he’d sign onto it unless it were worth his time. It’s not as if he’s hurting for work.