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March 23, 2011

Full Captain America Trailer Online

— Posted by Rodney

The New Captain America Trailer teased by ET yesterday is now online. Check it out:


Now that was pretty awesome. Its all the things I hoped it was going to be, and my geek raised when he says “Now Mr.Stark…”

I love how they are tying the films together with these subtle canon references.

And Cap does throw the shield! Hell ya.


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  • Audrey

    Wow, I was never into Captain America but this looks like a lot of fun! I told my boyfriend it looked better than Thor, he was shocked and offended. But comic book movies are the only thing we’ll agree on to go see! From the trailer, I really like the design style of the 40s, and Chris Evans seems like the perfect choice to play Captain America. I might actually go see this in theaters!

  • Rifts

    This looks so much better than Thor.

    My only reservation comes from the fact that there was another Captain America film made back in 1990 that looked very similar in the trailers, but turned out to be total rubbish. I don’t even think it got a proper theatrical release.

  • Lawrence

    I’d like to see the “Civil War”-oriented Captain America in the Avengers movie.

  • JP

    This looks action packed. Can’t wait to see this one!!

  • Art

    Geek-tastic!! I knew they’d have to tie young Howard Stark in somehow. Nice to see him there. This is a midnight showing for sure!

  • http://[email protected] Scott

    Not a fan of Capt, but I am now. Brilliant looking trailer, the transformation of Chris Evans into the bulked up Steve Rodgers(?) is awesome.

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