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April 1, 2011

Fox to Sue Aronofsky for Abandoning Wolverine

— Posted by Rodney

Fox Studios is apparently not at all happy with Darren Aronofsky stepping away from his commitment to The Wolverine. They are launching a breach of contract against the director in hopes of scaring him back in line.

Fox’s Press Release states:

We had so much faith in Aronofsky’s vision for The Wolverine and this was our chance to come back from any of that negative buzz from X-Men Wolverine Origins.

He was our Christopher Nolan. He was about to give the X-Men films the gravitas to be taken as seriously as The Dark Knight.

But now all that is gone and we don’t have a clue who can fill those shoes.

Our intention is to present him with a legal conflict strong enough to make him reconsider leaving. If we can’t have this amazing film maker in our ranks, we are going to make him regret leaving.

It concerns me that they are at such a loss over Aronofsky. I really wanted to see what he could do with The Wolverine, and seeing how much faith Fox had in this just makes me wish it was happening even more.

However I do think they are really biting off more than they can chew attempting to sue him back into submission.

I can’t see that working, and if it does, I cant see that as a good work environment.

Yes, this was in fact an April Fool’s Joke Not my best, however I haven’t gone a year without one and I didn’t have time to write a better one. Thanks for playing along.

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  • Mister Mortombachman

    I think people give Aronofsky too much credit. His films are good, but not nearly as good as they are made out to be.

    • Rodney

      I give him every bit as much credit as he deserves.

      What intrigued me most is that Superhero movies are the last thing I would have expected him to take on, and with the deep character driven stuff he does, I wanted to see how he would handle a story like The Wolverine.

      I never said he was a god. But he does bring something to the table that could really steer this in a direction we didn’t see coming.

    • Ryan

      Are you serious? Between The Wrestler and Black Swan, he’s made two of the best movies over the last few years. If anything, given the fact that he himself didn’t win anything for those films, he isn’t given *enough* credit. (Black Swan, IMO, was easily better than The King’s Speech; the only competition it should have had was Social Network for Best Pic and Director).

  • Art

    Pity, if this is a joke. Maybe its just me but I felt a little twinge of satisfaction at reading this. Using his family as an excuse to abandon The Wolverine is dumb. Ur Darren Aronofsky! U can afford to fly them out to you and fly home when necessary. The studio and the fans were counting on him. Just my opinion.

  • 420BAND

    Hey, If it works, Why Not!

    If it’s April Fools time then it woulda been funnier announcing some Bat news like: Nolan leaves the Dark Knight over a scuffle with Bale! :)


    “Third Rock from the Sun ” Guy confirmed as Joker!

    • 420BAND

      There actually saving that news for Justice League!

      • 420band

        Void upper comment por favor.

        He DID let us down BIGTIME.

        (scowl on my face as I raise my pitchfork and torch)

  • TdoT

    Way too obvious, there is no way a FOX press release would read that way. They would do everything under the sun to “imply” all of those things, but actually saying it? no way

  • Ghost

    Too obvious.

  • Peter

    April Fools?

    • josh harris

      maybe affronsky leaving was the start of the joke and in the middle of court Affronsky says ill do the movie and hugs the Fox guys and then wolverine walks in without a shirt and everyone has a party!!!!!!!!!!! :)

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