Forget Prometheus - What We Want is Alien 5. (At Least Sigourney Weaver Does Anyway)

Sigourney Weaver doesn’t feel her Ripley days in the Alien franchise should be over. She would love to do a fifth film - and soon before she loses her good looks.

Total Film gives us:

“I could definitely kick that alien’s ass again,” Weaver says. “While I can’t speak for them, I think for [20th Century] Fox, once you’re 60, you’re not going to be starring in an action movie.

“I think it’s too bad that that’s the case. I would have liked to do one last story where we go back to the planet, where Ripley’s history is resolved. But I do feel like her story is unfinished.”

There are two things that jump out at me like a facehugger. (Aww c’mon y’all knew I was gonna work that in…) First, the 60 year old bit. I don’t buy that excuse. Nope. True, I’m not a Fox exec (although I should be!) but last year, people still turned out to see Sylvester Stallone lead a team of Expendables. Harrison Ford reprised Indiana Jones a few years ago. So if by some miracle Fox greenlights Alien 5 for whatever reason (money?) I would have zero problems if Weaver returned. Hey, Ford has Jones. Sly has Rambo and now The Expendables. Why not give Weaver another chance at Ripley?

Second, Weaver is right. There is the curiousity of the cloned Alien-human Ripley coming to Earth. (Technically speaking, it isn’t the “Ripley” from the first three films; the character’s story is done. This is a NEW character in a likeness shell). While ‘Alien Ressurection’ had its effective surreal moments, it would have been better if they junked out Joss Whedon’s scripted one liners. No, I take that back. It would have been better if Fox never, ever gave us the AvP movies.
That was far worse a fate.

While I don’t know how well Ridley Scott’s Prothemus will do (set in the same Alien universe, at least for now) the mere talk of a direct Alien follow up makes me smile. (I wouldn’t mind a Copycat II by the way. I know I’ll never get it)

What do the int’l friends say? Alien 5 - with or without Weaver?
Remember: she’ll reprise the role of an alien-human Ripley clone if given the chance!

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About Darren

"Revenge is sweet and not fattening." Alfred Hitchcock

  • marcosemeunome

    Eu só gostaria de saber como seria se ao envez de Alien 5, Ripley mostrasse seu rosto em um Alien vs Predador 3. Na minha opinião seria muito bom ver Ripley em um filme AVP.

  • Molaram

    We want an Alien 5 with Sigourney Weaver again!!!!

  • predatortje

    Make alien 5, clone some of the aliens marines (hicks, hudson,drake,vasquez) of which the DNA samples still were intact at the sulaco after the fire broke out. and fight the damn alien war on earth
    I don’t care if they even clone some of those prisoneres and some of the first alien movie people to fight the war.

  • duggi

    Alien 5 must be filmed ,waiting for that film for years, watching Resurrection for xxx times ,with S. Weaver -no one else…..

  • Tony

    Gotta say I agree with Sigourney here. I love Ripley, even the cloned Ripley. Sure she’s not the same, but that’s what made her interesting in the 4th. I say, make # 5 as a proper end to Ripley’s story. But, please, NO JOSS WHEDON!