First Class 2 has Room for Wolverine?

It seems that Bryan Singer was talking about a First Class 2 film, and says there could be room in it to include Wolverine.

Singer explains, “I think there would definitely be room. I think it would be a very exciting thing. This universe has to establish itself first, but that would be a very interesting and fun thing.”

This leads me to believe there will be a serious lack of screaming at the heavens with manly glistening muscles and extended claws in First Class.

Is there is a quota to fill?

But honestly, when I hear that they might do a cameo or something… sure. Have Logan running around in the background, or a page two story in the newspaper talking about an urban legend about a man who cannot die.

But I don’t want to see Wolverine anymore. I think he will be fine in his own films, and leave him out of the X-Men altogether.

The first three X-Films were pretty Wolvie-centric, and the first spinoff was a stand alone Wolverine movie.

First Class will be our first taste of cinematic X-Men without Wolverine. Why taint its sequel trying to force him into the mix?

I love the Canadian Scrapper, but there is so much MORE to X-Men than Wolverine and his pals.

I’d like to see some of it on screen.

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  • Ryan

    I’m of the belief that he should only be in the X-Men movies, not his own standalone movies and certainly not first class (given everything I remember from the first X-Men movie, I don’t see how Singer could possibly justify adding Wolverine to it… it would have been one thing if they started that movie with Wolverine already an X-Men, but not when he was introduced to them and vice versa).

    Honestly, I’d go so far as to say I’m not interested in a sequel to X-3 without Wolverine.

  • Darren

    I also have no problem with a cameo or name drop, a bit of news about a fight with WEndego or anytthing- Otherwise, I don’t see it - not even if it was a Wolverine and Havok team up film. Now, if FC2 took place in the 80s and Gambit or young Cyclops were in the mix, that would be another thing…

    Okay,. There IS one other possibilty, although I’m just spitting in the wind here. Because if it was me and I had to pitch the sonofabitch this is what I would say and get ready for the stoning.

    The First Class runs into Stryker’s team in the late 70s. Thus they have to face off against Logan (bone claws), Creed, Wade Wilson , Agent Zero, Dukes/Blob, the lightbilb guy and Maverick. One of Stryer’s early Weapon tests goes wrong and it’s Omega Red.

    Fox execs pat me on the pack, gimmie a raise…and then put me in witness protection because I will get death threats by the massses for even suggesting such a boneheaeded idea.

    Not that I’d actually want anything like that, of course…

  • 420BAND

    Problem I see is that they already built up Wolvie SO much that people (non-comic people)automatically assume he’s in there somewhere and probally have a ADD situation going on if they dont see him somewhere in there. I kinda get that.

    But yeah, X-men have such a rich history of people thay can use instead of him. But are the regular’s (non-comic) ready to ingest such complicated heroes.

    we’ll see in about a month or so.

    I’m stoked for this one though

    • Shinobi

      Yeah I think you’re right. I’m also really looking foward to this movie.
      I really like the serious tone of the trailers/clips so far and with the fact that the movie takes place during real world past evens makes it rooted in reality which I like a lot.
      Of the four big superheroes movies this summer this is #1 on my list.