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March 9, 2011

Expendables 2 with new director?

— Posted by The "Superior" Anthony

The L.A. times is reporting that Sylvester Stallone may be considering skipping the directors seat with regard to a follow-up to last summers action fest film The Expendables and instead letting someone new have a hand in the film’s direction.

Source: AICN via L.A. Times

The follow-up movie is a priority at producer Millennium Films, where it’s being developed by Stallone, the creative force behind the original. But Stallone, who both starred in and directed the 2010 summer hit, isn’t, at the moment, planning on helming the new movie. Instead, he’s been meeting with directors to tackle the sequel, said a person who was briefed on the project but was not authorized to speak about it publicly.

The last film was a hit and now with the franchise growing I can see Sly wanting to focus on his “performance” and allow someone else to give their spin as far as direction. I don’t mind this idea as there are plenty of talented directors out there that could develop another fun film with their own twists.

I just like the idea of all these mega stars teaming up and hopefully expanding the cast. I personally have a tough time imagining who they could add as they pretty much covered the bases with the first film. Any Ideas?

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  • Chuck in Indy

    Chuck Norris would be a cool addition for a small cameo. Everyone forgets about Chuck Norris.

  • Mister Mortombachman

    I don’t think they need to add any more stars for the sequel. The first had plenty, they should focus on the ones they’ve got.

  • 420BAND

    Love Sly even though the funniest part of the movie was watching him “Try” to run on the dock.

    that was painful to watch

  • fullmetal_medji

    Either Jan de Bont or Wolfgang Peterson. Both of them have made good action movies and I think they can up the action even more.

  • James

    I would absolutely love it if they threw Kurt Russell in there!

    • 420BAND

      F’Yeah! Kurt,Snipes,Van-Damme,Norris, and even dig up Charles Bronson and theres a “Man” movie!

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