Every Power Ranger Ever, In One Amazingly Colorful Battle

Power Rangers, when it started back in like, 1993, was like a religion to kids (and some older people and parents stuck watching it). But you always got a little upset when you had to say goodbye to the current year’s Rangers right? Out with the old, in with the new, and all that. Sometimes I wished my old Mighty Morphin Power Rangers would come back and kick some ass.
I’m sure you know, Power Rangers is based on the Japanese series Super Sentai. Well the most recent series (I think) has answered my prayers, and made the dreams of like, decades of kids come true by throwing nearly all of the Rangers into one massive battle. Check it out for yourself.

Wow. I mean I only watched up until like, Lightspeed Rescue, then I decided I was a bit old for it all, but its still pretty sweet to see ’em all together, kicking some bad guy butt in possibly the most famboyant way imaginable.
Nostalgia eh?
Anyone else have fond memories of the Rangers? I think I remember staying up late as a child to watch the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers movie as a kid and LOVING IT! I refuse to watch it now just in case i ruin it.

About Ian Fay

You've got red on you...

  • solid

    the only ranger the need is the TEXAS RANGER XD