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April 19, 2011

Elisabeth Sladen Passes at Age 63

— Posted by Rodney

Elisabeth Sladen has passed away at the age of 63 from Cancer. Sladen was best known as the most predominate companion of The Doctor on Doctor who - Sarah Jane. So notable in fact, that she is the ONLY companion of The Doctor to have her own spinoff TV series. (No, Jack Harkness is not a companion)

ComicMix shares some history:

Between 1974 and 1976, she had a regular role on Doctor Who as Sarah Jane Smith opposite Jon Pertwee and later Tom Baker, a part she reprised in K-9 and Company: A Girl’s Best Friend in 1981, “Doctor Who: The Five Doctors” in 1983, the radio serials The Paradise of Death & Doctor Who and the Ghosts of N-Space; the Children In Need skit Doctor Who: Dimensions in Time in 1993; the spin-off video drama Downtime in 1995, the new “Doctor Who” series, and most recently The Sarah Jane Adventures in 2007, which lasted for four series.

Sara Jane was such heart of Doctor Who, and one of my most favourite Doctor Who episodes is seeing The Doctor cross paths with Sarah Jane one more time, this time in the David Tennant incarnation.

The chemistry between the two and the genuine heartfelt reunion of The Doctor meeting a much older Sarah Jane was moving to say the least. Even though this actor playing the Doctor personally had not had the connection previous Doctor actors may have had, you would swear the two were old friends. When she realizes Tennant is The Doctor… that scene blew me away.

Sladen might have been type cast, but she is the most loved of the companions from the whole of the series (not just the more modern revisiting)

Rest in Peace Elisabeth. Thanks for all the wonderful performances.

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  • Techie42


  • Darren


  • PartyMarty

    Shocked, saddened and shocked again. This hit me in the gut when I saw it. She was just the best companion. With a new Doctor Who ep in 3 days, I hope they have time to add an acknowledgement of some sort.

  • giantguy1321

    I had no idea she was ill and I’m very shocked to hear this news!! I served Mrs. Sladen once or twice in a supermarket where I used to work in London. A polite and charming lady! She will be truly missed by her fans (including myself) and my thoughts go out to her family at this time. R.I.P.

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