Die Hard 5: Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker

John McClane: the embodiment of wrong-place-at-the-wrong time. The Die Hard franchise and its protagonist McClane can be described with one word — badass. Or two, if you prefer bad ass. Either way, the man is constantly beaten up, but never out.

Now the real question is, do we need… Nay! Do we want another installment? Well friends, to me the answer is both yes and no.

No. We do not need, nor should we want another PG-13 imitation. Yes. We want and need a good old fashion R-rated Die Hard.

Source: Deadline

20th Century Fox is turning up the heat on Die Hard 5, even though its attached director, Noam Murro, left the picture after he got the job helming300: Battle Of Artemisia for Warner Bros. I’m told that the studio has come up with a short list of directors who’ll meet to potentially helm the film scripted by Skip Woods. They are: Joe Cornish (who directed Attack the Block), Fast Five helmer Justin Lin, Drive director Nicolas Winding Refn and Max Payne helmer John Moore. The film brings the always-in-the-wrong-place cop John McClane to Russia. Bruce Willis is ready to reprise his signature role as early as this fall.

The directors on Fox’s short list fail to get me excited, none of them really stand out for me as the one I would like to see. The premise of seeing McClane in Russia is intriguing and could be a nice change of pace.

Sound off in the comments, who would be your pick to direct, and which is your favorite Die Hard?

Go fuck yourself, Hans.

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About Erik


  • http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1606378/ Whimpie Ki Yay MoFo

    A Good Day to Die Hard A.K.A. A Good Day to Live Easy.

    Boy! That’s one pretty shitty movie Mr. Willis!…Grow up into Adulthood and go back into your 30’s and be a true Die Hard actor. There are way too many explosions. And the bag guys are even more happier than Thomas Gabriel. Listen to all of the F- Bombs and you will see that that’s the MPAA’s only reason for giving FOX’s production such a rating of R.

    Last night, after seeing it at the theater, I checked the rating on The Internet Movie Database and t had an average user rating on its release date of 6.9 out of 10 for its rating, and right now, it’s down to 6.2! That is a D Minus in class. What a low life, cheesy film.

    I’m leaving Live Free or Die Hard as my 4th Favorite Die Hard and I now have more confidence in it than ever! Thomas Gabriel - you may be laid back, but you sure are rough tough stuff compared to these Russian supposedly-terrorst freaks.

    Hollywood just doesn’t want to do a Terrorist-Plotted movie that with a Rating of R in the US of A. I had little Kids next to my row smiling and clapping; not screaming or wining from all the action.

    Lastly, this movie has no plot line and has no enthusiastic momentum.

  • Sillary Hillary

    Great News! The MPAA just let the word out that Die Hard 5 is going to be Rated R! After all this liberalized Hollywood rating shit that has occurred after 9/11, I’m just glad they’re putting those current events aside to give A Good Day to Die Hard an R Rating.

    I’m siked about it, and I’m wondering if there will be any references to the previous Die Hards. Democrat Politicians and Liberal people are freaking out about its R Rating’s financial impact on today’s Box Office, because they know that mommy and daddy will have to be there with their little ones right next to them if their kids wanna see it. If you’re a true Die Hard fan like me, then you’re cool with people of all ages seeing this at the theater.


    Best Luck John Sr. and Jr. Show those smart-ass Russian Terrorists whose BAD ASS ANTI-TERRORIST BOSS!

    Keep up the great ratings MPAA!

    Hey Patrick Steward - You gonna be in there like rumored? I’ll be cool with it.

  • rjk63vett

    Where is Holly.???????.Isn’t that the whole point Come on.,….. get with the program and R-Rated!!!!!

  • Lemmon Pit

    My opinion: Make Die Hard 5 based on Anti-SOPA & Anti-PIPA protesting. :D

    It’s called ‘Die Hard Internet’.