Conan the Barbarian Redband Clip Online

The good people at Maple Pictures here in Canada were kind enough to share this new redband clip from the upcoming Conan the Barbarian.

Check out the brutality of Conan in his younger days.

Its great to see Ron Perlman as the tribe leader. He certainly fits the stature and presence you would think to see from a Barbarian tribe.

The right of passage for the youth turns inevitably violent as their friendly competition becomes a threat. I thought it was a bit over the top that this young boy could so easily take on so many, but still fun to watch.

Seeing Momoa in Game of Thrones has me even more hyped to see Conan, and this is just adding to that. I love the feel of this.

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About Rodney

who has written 8882 posts on The Movie Blog

  • Digestion

    I was able to see its advertisements on TV. And it looked really great! The advertisement was really great and I can’t wait for this movie to be in theaters! I will definitely watch this one with the whole family.