Beware The Red Skull

We’ve had some grainy looks of the character in the past, and some close ups sans makeup, but today we finally get to see Hugo Weaving in full makeup and costume for his portrayal of the character.

Via: Entertainment Weekly

There’s really not a lot to say except: That’s impressive. I really like a lot of what I see in this picture and couple that with Hugo’s impressively daunting voice and a needed deep German accent and I see “evil”.

International friends: Look at the above picture of The Red Skull. Consider his face. Look into his eyes. What is he thinking about?

About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor

  • Herby Ragan

    Who took my nose?

  • 420BAND

    One question: Is anybody else slightly disturbed that we STILL dont have a full trailer for this?

    I’ve been a little uneasy since they named the Director for this, having Raped Wolfman and all, so by now not having a full trailer out after we already have X-Men,Thor,Green Lantern tralers seems off.

    LOVE Red Skulls look BTW!