Arnold Schwarzenegger Musicals

I seen these AGES ago, long before I wrote for this site, but thanks to io9 featuring the latest in the series (Predator), I remembered to share them with you guys. Legolambs(actually brothers, jon and al) have made a few of these movie related musical videos, but its the Arnie ones that shine. Heres all the Schwarzenegger videos, conviently in one place!

You guys enjoy them as much as I did?

About Ian Fay

You've got red on you...

  • Roman

    I think i just pee’d a little.

  • TheSwede

    ahaha. “stop shaving you don’t have a beard!” E P I C

    fyi the rambo one is freakin awesome as well! this absolutly made my day!

    Robocop is the one which honestly could be in a real musical. hahha. I just can’t stop loving it.

  • Kimball

    Wow. These are EPIC!